I listened to this great message series recently called “Wired for Love.” It’s almost completely explained by the title: it’s about the fact that God has designed, “wired,” us for relationships with others: first with Him, but also one other person in marriage and with other people in our lives such as friends, family and coworkers.
The pastor creatively uses science to explain how God has wired us to form all of these various connections. But he starts with having a relationship with God, from which all other right human relationships flow. He also looks at behaviors – viewing pornography, promiscuity, cheating, manipulating, sexual victimization – that the enemy uses to keep us from experiencing God’s best in all relationships and instead cloud us with guilt, shame, anger, bitterness and fear. He ends with a picture of a romantic relationship that honors God. And during each message he provides solid, biblical relationship advice presented in a very dynamic way! It is very much worth the listen (and so are his other messages)!
As I listened to the series, I could not help but be reminded of a truth about God that blows my mind: the fact that He, the Creator of the big, vast Universe – wants to have a real, personal relationship with me. David sums up how this wonderful knowledge makes me feel in Psalm 8: 3-4:
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?
5 You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor.
The more I grow in my relationship with God, the more that I come to understand how awesome it is that He, the Creator of the Universe, loved us so much that He pursued us all the way to the Cross so that we had a way to reach Him, relate to Him personally, despite our sin. The Bible says in John 1 that he came became flesh and dwelled among us. When Jesus was on earth, He had relationships with ordinary people – especially His disciples, who were mostly uneducated and probably even teenagers. And after resurrecting, He left His promised Spirit, through which those simple disciples received power and did extraordinary things for God. Their accounts in the New Testament are not just stories for old times, but living, powerful words that remind us that He continues to use us through our relationships with Him today.
Yet we often take the out stretched, life-giving arms of the God of the Universe for granted, choosing not to relate to Him on His terms, but instead our own. We think we do Him a favor when we go to church, serve on a ministry team or read our Bible every now and then. We get mad at Him for not doing what we want Him to do. But the truth is, He doesn’t even have to deal with us. He’s God – the one who created mountains, plants, animals, light, night, angels, people – everything! He could always be too busy for us. Yet he never is. And He loves us so much and wants to make our lives full because of our relationships with Him.
There are many verses in the Bible that capture God’s story of relating to us since the beginning, but there is one that I rank at or near the very top, from the mouth of Jesus:
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (NIV)
10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (NKJV)
Satan, the thief, tries to thwart God’s perfect plans for our relationships by distorting what right relationships look like. And we buy into his lies far too often – just a couple of the ways in how we approach physicality in dating relationships and in how we choose people to date. Yet Jesus always offers us abundant life that wasn’t meant to stop with just life after death, but, more immediately, to give us a marvelous life at present that includes thriving relationships here on earth with Him and others.
Let’s trade Satan’s cheap, junky substitutes for relationships and grow in our relationships with God daily and, in turn, flourish in our relationships with others.
Please check out “Wired for Love!” It’s available on iTunes: Podcasts> Miles McPherson The Rock Church – Weekend Messages. Note it is video only on iTunes. Or, you can get access to mp3 and video versions of the series, and the full message archives here (2011, September 18-October 23. If you click on individual messages you will be directed to a page where you can also get copies of the sermons notes, which he refers to as lesson plans in each of his messages).
Happy listening!
My blog has moved! To check out new and existing content - and the new layout, visit http://seyiblogs.wordpress.com/. Thank you!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Freedom from Worry (Peace)
God’s been doing something awesome in my life: helping me overcome worry.
As I’ve shared before, for me worry comes in the form of thinking a million what ifs about a situation, surmising from A to Z without skipping any letters, I’ve put it before. At times I’ll say I’ve committed something to God, but in my mind I'll still wonder about all the possible outcomes, negative and positive, rather than just trust that God will accomplish His purpose - the best outcome.
Yet I recently noticed that for the last few months, I haven’t worried much about anything. Not that I haven’t had cares, but I’ve seen God take them away as I’ve meditated on His precepts more. I realized this a few weeks ago as I read Psalm 131, a short but powerful Psalm of David:
1 My heart is not proud, LORD,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2 But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.
3 Israel, put your hope in the LORD
both now and forevermore.
I was especially struck by the second part of verse 1 to the first part of verse 2: “I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself…” Then I focused on the refrain in verse 3: “Israel put your hope in the LORD, both now and forevermore.” As my devotional book also pointed out, rather than worrying himself with the burdens of life – including the “what ifs,” David recognized that they were beyond his control, “great matters or things too wonderful" (v.1). He let those cares go, putting them into the hands of the Maker. And he could urge Israel to do the same (v.3).
The mention of Israel, one word, is so striking here. The Nation of Israel, as we often hear, is the descendants of Abraham and God’s chosen people, through whom He sent Jesus. Because of Christ we have that same heritage. As I read “Israel” in this context, a verse from the New Testament came to mind about the status of believers in Christ, written by the apostle Paul to the Gentile Christians in Galatia:
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:28)
Romans 8:16-18 also says this about the nature of our status as heirs when we receive Christ:
“16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
Present Suffering and Future Glory
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
By receiving Jesus, we’ve become “co-heirs” – joint heirs – with Christ, through which, ultimately, we will not just see, but experience, His glory. We have that promise as children of God despite the challenges we may face in this life.
So, again, about this life? As David points out in Psalm 131, we don’t have to dwell on the things we experience or hear about that we can’t explain. Instead, we should put them in the care of The One who can explain them. It is only in heaven that we will have full knowledge when God reveals it to us. We are best off entrusting our worries to Him.
Reading Psalm 131, I was reminded how God has been using increases in my time in His Word, praising Him through song and listening to sermon podcasts to renew my mind and turn my focus to Him. I’ve been so much busier meditating on the things of God that I haven’t had time to worry. That’s the way God works – minute by minute – hour by hour - day by day – until we look back months or years later and are able to marvel on how He's been changing us. What an awesome God we call on!
Psalm 131 also reminded me of ”Unpredicatable,” a song by Francesca Battistelli, a contemporary Christian artist, that puts David’s words in a modern prayer. In the song she talks about how in life we often wonder what God’s doing or what His plans are, but in those moments she prays for God to give her His peace: “So help me to rest in the mystery of what I can’t understand...”
I love those words! As in Psalm 131, she recognizes that worrying about life is beyond her control, and that there’s a supernatural peace – a rest, that comes in the fact that we can entrust life to the Omniscient God. In fact, it can be exciting- a mystery – to see how God writes each page of the narrative of our lives. We might not know each chapter, but we know the ending will be blissful, as promised in 1 Corinthians 2:9 -
“However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]—
the things God has prepared for those who love him”
That’s the beauty of the abundant life with Jesus. Ah, what freedom!
Here are the lyrics of “Unpredictable,” a Psalm 131 remix.
Let’s find freedom in resting in Him. He’s unpredictable, but He’s also perfect. Perfectly unpredictable.
As I’ve shared before, for me worry comes in the form of thinking a million what ifs about a situation, surmising from A to Z without skipping any letters, I’ve put it before. At times I’ll say I’ve committed something to God, but in my mind I'll still wonder about all the possible outcomes, negative and positive, rather than just trust that God will accomplish His purpose - the best outcome.
Yet I recently noticed that for the last few months, I haven’t worried much about anything. Not that I haven’t had cares, but I’ve seen God take them away as I’ve meditated on His precepts more. I realized this a few weeks ago as I read Psalm 131, a short but powerful Psalm of David:
1 My heart is not proud, LORD,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2 But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.
3 Israel, put your hope in the LORD
both now and forevermore.
I was especially struck by the second part of verse 1 to the first part of verse 2: “I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself…” Then I focused on the refrain in verse 3: “Israel put your hope in the LORD, both now and forevermore.” As my devotional book also pointed out, rather than worrying himself with the burdens of life – including the “what ifs,” David recognized that they were beyond his control, “great matters or things too wonderful" (v.1). He let those cares go, putting them into the hands of the Maker. And he could urge Israel to do the same (v.3).
The mention of Israel, one word, is so striking here. The Nation of Israel, as we often hear, is the descendants of Abraham and God’s chosen people, through whom He sent Jesus. Because of Christ we have that same heritage. As I read “Israel” in this context, a verse from the New Testament came to mind about the status of believers in Christ, written by the apostle Paul to the Gentile Christians in Galatia:
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:28)
Romans 8:16-18 also says this about the nature of our status as heirs when we receive Christ:
“16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
Present Suffering and Future Glory
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
By receiving Jesus, we’ve become “co-heirs” – joint heirs – with Christ, through which, ultimately, we will not just see, but experience, His glory. We have that promise as children of God despite the challenges we may face in this life.
So, again, about this life? As David points out in Psalm 131, we don’t have to dwell on the things we experience or hear about that we can’t explain. Instead, we should put them in the care of The One who can explain them. It is only in heaven that we will have full knowledge when God reveals it to us. We are best off entrusting our worries to Him.
Reading Psalm 131, I was reminded how God has been using increases in my time in His Word, praising Him through song and listening to sermon podcasts to renew my mind and turn my focus to Him. I’ve been so much busier meditating on the things of God that I haven’t had time to worry. That’s the way God works – minute by minute – hour by hour - day by day – until we look back months or years later and are able to marvel on how He's been changing us. What an awesome God we call on!
Psalm 131 also reminded me of ”Unpredicatable,” a song by Francesca Battistelli, a contemporary Christian artist, that puts David’s words in a modern prayer. In the song she talks about how in life we often wonder what God’s doing or what His plans are, but in those moments she prays for God to give her His peace: “So help me to rest in the mystery of what I can’t understand...”
I love those words! As in Psalm 131, she recognizes that worrying about life is beyond her control, and that there’s a supernatural peace – a rest, that comes in the fact that we can entrust life to the Omniscient God. In fact, it can be exciting- a mystery – to see how God writes each page of the narrative of our lives. We might not know each chapter, but we know the ending will be blissful, as promised in 1 Corinthians 2:9 -
“However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]—
the things God has prepared for those who love him”
That’s the beauty of the abundant life with Jesus. Ah, what freedom!
Here are the lyrics of “Unpredictable,” a Psalm 131 remix.
Let’s find freedom in resting in Him. He’s unpredictable, but He’s also perfect. Perfectly unpredictable.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Freedom in Fellowship
It’s been a little while since I’ve gotten a chance to blog! I’ve been without a personal laptop for the last month (thankfully it is almost fixed!), and haven’t had much time to sit behind a desktop at home. I have had a few thoughts on my mind about Freedom in Christ and other topics that I hope to hit in the next few weeks. This entry about Freedom is the result of my weekend…
This weeked I attended a work retreat in New Orleans. People at my firm with a common practice area from our offices around the world met in the Big Easy for a weekend of mingling and meetings. While I had a good time meeting other attorneys from various places, the highlight of my weekend was actually Sunday when I visited a church.
As I’ve been flying back and forth between a couple cities over the last month, God’s put it on my heart to plan on attending a church if I travel on a weekend. Until New Orleans, none of the trips I had taken recently had even been on a weekend, I just really got the sense from God that it would be a wonderful way to consciously connect with the body around the country – and perhaps around the world – from now on. For this trip I intentionally booked a later flight so I would have the chance to fellowship with other believers in my destination.
The place I worshipped, a church plant called Vintage, was great! Since attending a church plant myself for the last three years that is so focused on preaching a relevant message that reaches our generation and beyond, equipping people for personal spiritual growth, fostering community, multiplying leaders and loving everyone who comes through our doors, the city and the world (all in one!), I’ve become aware of the growing number of church plants around the country that are taking their cities for Christ. I know there are longstanding churches that are doing the same, but I appreciate how these newer churches are targeting not just mature Christians and long-time church goers, but also people who have never attended church, may not know Jesus at all, never matured in their faith or once walked closely with God. The motto of one church whose pastor’s podcasts I kill sums up the goal of many of these church plants: “so that people far from God will be filled with life in Christ.” And it works out that both young and mature Christians are able to grow together – and all be filled with more of Jesus! It really has become a passion of mine to support these churches in The Body.
I immediately felt at home at Vintage. Their motto is "Love the Gospel. Love the City. Be the Church." Knowing we had a common mission, I knew I would be welcomed and have an enjoyable time of worship. Shortly after I walked in I met a few people and we started talking. The message was from 2 Corinthians 10:1-14, about the importance of repenting and standing firm in our faith with the ultimate aim being not personal blessing, but having freedom to fellowship fully with God. We also had communion and sang songs about the opportunity that we have to truly know Jesus that comes only through the free gift of His death and resurrection. I found myself tearing up at the reminder of how awesome it is to be filled with life in Christ and how the message of The Gospel is changing lives everywhere!
After the service someone I sat next to graciously volunteered to take me back to my hotel just as I had called a cab. We ended up getting lunch and had a great time of fellowship. I learned about how God had brought her to New Orleans for school and what God was doing in her life. I also shared about my own life. I exchanged contact information with her and others I met, and invited them to my church if they come to D.C.!
In thinking about the freedom we have in Christ, I so treasure the privilege to fellowship with other believers. It's because of that freedom that I can go to a completely new city, attend a completely new church, and expect that I will connect with the Body there. That’s a much greater, more powerful connection than I can forge with people based on the fact that we practice the same kind of law, work for the same firm or live in the same city. I pray that the Body of Christ – of every city, country, tribe and tongue – would put aside the rifts of culture and class that we often create and embrace the common bond we have in Christ. Our unity was so important that Jesus prayed for it fervently before His death on the cross so that through it others would know Him.
I’ve also been thinking today about Galatians 6: 7-10, the passage that reminds us we reap what we sow. The ending is appropriate to mention: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” The hospitality I was shown – and the chance I had to share with others, lost and saved, reminded me that nothing beats fellowship in the Body. What freedom!
This weeked I attended a work retreat in New Orleans. People at my firm with a common practice area from our offices around the world met in the Big Easy for a weekend of mingling and meetings. While I had a good time meeting other attorneys from various places, the highlight of my weekend was actually Sunday when I visited a church.
As I’ve been flying back and forth between a couple cities over the last month, God’s put it on my heart to plan on attending a church if I travel on a weekend. Until New Orleans, none of the trips I had taken recently had even been on a weekend, I just really got the sense from God that it would be a wonderful way to consciously connect with the body around the country – and perhaps around the world – from now on. For this trip I intentionally booked a later flight so I would have the chance to fellowship with other believers in my destination.
The place I worshipped, a church plant called Vintage, was great! Since attending a church plant myself for the last three years that is so focused on preaching a relevant message that reaches our generation and beyond, equipping people for personal spiritual growth, fostering community, multiplying leaders and loving everyone who comes through our doors, the city and the world (all in one!), I’ve become aware of the growing number of church plants around the country that are taking their cities for Christ. I know there are longstanding churches that are doing the same, but I appreciate how these newer churches are targeting not just mature Christians and long-time church goers, but also people who have never attended church, may not know Jesus at all, never matured in their faith or once walked closely with God. The motto of one church whose pastor’s podcasts I kill sums up the goal of many of these church plants: “so that people far from God will be filled with life in Christ.” And it works out that both young and mature Christians are able to grow together – and all be filled with more of Jesus! It really has become a passion of mine to support these churches in The Body.
I immediately felt at home at Vintage. Their motto is "Love the Gospel. Love the City. Be the Church." Knowing we had a common mission, I knew I would be welcomed and have an enjoyable time of worship. Shortly after I walked in I met a few people and we started talking. The message was from 2 Corinthians 10:1-14, about the importance of repenting and standing firm in our faith with the ultimate aim being not personal blessing, but having freedom to fellowship fully with God. We also had communion and sang songs about the opportunity that we have to truly know Jesus that comes only through the free gift of His death and resurrection. I found myself tearing up at the reminder of how awesome it is to be filled with life in Christ and how the message of The Gospel is changing lives everywhere!
After the service someone I sat next to graciously volunteered to take me back to my hotel just as I had called a cab. We ended up getting lunch and had a great time of fellowship. I learned about how God had brought her to New Orleans for school and what God was doing in her life. I also shared about my own life. I exchanged contact information with her and others I met, and invited them to my church if they come to D.C.!
In thinking about the freedom we have in Christ, I so treasure the privilege to fellowship with other believers. It's because of that freedom that I can go to a completely new city, attend a completely new church, and expect that I will connect with the Body there. That’s a much greater, more powerful connection than I can forge with people based on the fact that we practice the same kind of law, work for the same firm or live in the same city. I pray that the Body of Christ – of every city, country, tribe and tongue – would put aside the rifts of culture and class that we often create and embrace the common bond we have in Christ. Our unity was so important that Jesus prayed for it fervently before His death on the cross so that through it others would know Him.
I’ve also been thinking today about Galatians 6: 7-10, the passage that reminds us we reap what we sow. The ending is appropriate to mention: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” The hospitality I was shown – and the chance I had to share with others, lost and saved, reminded me that nothing beats fellowship in the Body. What freedom!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I'm starting another open topic here: freedom in Christ.
Recently I have been reflecting on the many ways that growing in my relationship with God has freed me from mentalities, actions and feelings that had some hold on me, such as timidity, guilt and a divided heart. It is not to say that these issues never come up - but that I recognize them if they do and struggle with them far less.
A passion of mine is to see the people of God freed from the bondage of sin, especially fears. I often see Christians walking in the pain of the past that God has already taken. Jesus said something so amazing in John 8: 34-36:
“I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
When we accept Christ's death and resurrection, the Bible says that we are loosed from the law of sin and death- and forever belong to the family of God. My prayer is that we live fully, completely in that freedom - and be used to advance His kingdom in the process. What power we have in Christ! Stay posted for thoughts...
Recently I have been reflecting on the many ways that growing in my relationship with God has freed me from mentalities, actions and feelings that had some hold on me, such as timidity, guilt and a divided heart. It is not to say that these issues never come up - but that I recognize them if they do and struggle with them far less.
A passion of mine is to see the people of God freed from the bondage of sin, especially fears. I often see Christians walking in the pain of the past that God has already taken. Jesus said something so amazing in John 8: 34-36:
“I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
When we accept Christ's death and resurrection, the Bible says that we are loosed from the law of sin and death- and forever belong to the family of God. My prayer is that we live fully, completely in that freedom - and be used to advance His kingdom in the process. What power we have in Christ! Stay posted for thoughts...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
In church right now we’re in a series about our unique, counter-cultural status as Christians called “Aliens: A Journey through First Peter.” We’re reading the five-chapter epistle together.
The latest message, from chapter 3, is about marriage – and aptly titled “I Do.” It focuses more on women, as the passage does – but all of it is still relevant to men and women.
In the message there are so many great nuggets about submission, honor, respect, understanding and personal spiritual growth: in a word, love. It really illustrates the need for God to be the author – and center – of romantic relationships. Loving someone in marriage God’s way is so different from what the world calls love. Yet it’s the only way for love to truly, completely last. Psalm 127: 1 says, “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.”
Marriage, and all the earth, is the Lord’s – and made for His glory. I pray God’s people give their marriages to Him - and that single followers of Christ do so long before we walk down the aisle. Have a listen (through this link or on iTunes, Podcasts > The Bridge DC > Aliens: I Do) to “I Do”…
The latest message, from chapter 3, is about marriage – and aptly titled “I Do.” It focuses more on women, as the passage does – but all of it is still relevant to men and women.
In the message there are so many great nuggets about submission, honor, respect, understanding and personal spiritual growth: in a word, love. It really illustrates the need for God to be the author – and center – of romantic relationships. Loving someone in marriage God’s way is so different from what the world calls love. Yet it’s the only way for love to truly, completely last. Psalm 127: 1 says, “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.”
Marriage, and all the earth, is the Lord’s – and made for His glory. I pray God’s people give their marriages to Him - and that single followers of Christ do so long before we walk down the aisle. Have a listen (through this link or on iTunes, Podcasts > The Bridge DC > Aliens: I Do) to “I Do”…
Thursday, August 18, 2011
OLDT Awards, Part 3
I am finally doing another entry reflecting on my read through the Old Testament. This one’s about King David.
As I’ve said before, David is one of my favorite people in the Bible, like many. I’ve blogged about my admiration for his passionate devotion to God as a characteristic of a real man.
The story of David and Bathsheba, coupled with one of the penitential psalm David wrote in deep remorse after the incident, Psalm 51, make one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Whenever people try to define David solely by the drama with Bathsheba, I’m quick to point out 1 Kings 15:5, which summarizes his life from God’s perspective: “For David had done what was right in the eyes of the LORD and had not failed to keep any of the LORD’s commands all the days of his life—except in the case of Uriah the Hittite” (Uriah being Bathsheba’s husband)(also check out this question answering “How could David be Considered a Man After God’s Own Heart?")
Looking at his life story in First and Second Samuel, and some in The Kings and Chronicles, were highlights of my read. This is the first of at least two award entries highlighting the noteworthy people and events in David’s life. This entry covers some of his sons, who certainly lacked no personality.
David may have been “A Man After God’s Own Heart,” but, truth be told, he had some bad kids. Not all of them – mind you, but at least a few of his wayward offspring were highlighted in the Bible for their dastardly deeds. First Chronicles 3 names close to 20 of David’s sons born to several wives, not including those born by concubines (v. 9). David’s decision to have many wives likely had something to do with his children’s outcome, as is also gleaned from his story. There were alliances and rivalries between and among brothers, mothers, and sometimes sisters that caused serious familial divides and affected David himself. As is often pointed out, while the Bible records the fact that men practiced polygamy, nowhere does it condone the practice. In fact, lives such as David’s show the damning consequences of choosing this lifestyle. On that note, a list of some of the conniving kids:
Absalom: Narcissistic Avenger who also Suffered from Illusions of Grandeur
Absalom was one of David’s most prominently discussed sons, save Solomon. You probably know him as the son who conspired against his father to take the throne but was murdered by David’s army commander in the process. David wrote Psalm 3 while in hiding from Absalom. This son also is known for killing his half brother who raped their sister, although this was perhaps the least heartless action that was portrayed about Absalom’s life.
Absalom got a lot of attention, particularly for his looks. In 2 Samuel 14 it says that “In all Israel there was not a man so highly praised for his appearance as Absalom. From the top of his head to the sole of his foot there as no blemish in him. Whenever he cut the hair off his head – he used to cut his hair from time to time when it became too heavy for him – he would weigh it, and its weight was two hundred shekels by the royal standard,” or five pounds (doesn’t sound like it was subsequently donated to the “Locks of Love” of the day, lol).
When Absalom decided that he wanted to steal the kingship from his father, he used looks and charm to gain public support. In 2 Samuel 15, he got himself a horse-drawn chariot and an entourage of 50, tried to make himself judge among the people over his father the king and “stole the hearts of men” by kissing people who tried to bow down to him (2 Samuel 15:18).
The hair, the crown of his beauty, was actually the thing God used for his demise. When Absalom’s conspiracy against King David reached its height and David fled Jerusalem and the palace, he gathered his men to stand against Absalom and his following. The Bible says in 2 Samuel 18 that as Absalom and some of his men happened upon some of David’s men, Absalom, on a mule, rode under the thick branches of a large oak tree. His hair got caught in the tree, causing him to hang from it by the head (vv. 9-10). As he dangled in mid-air, one of David’s men came by the tree and swiftly gutted him in the heart (v. 14). His remains were thrown into a big pit in the forest, where rocks were piled over it (v. 17).
Despite Absalom’s betrayal, David mourned the loss of his son. He still did not want to see Absalom killed, and specifically asked that, even if his men captured him, he be returned alive. When a messenger from the field came to share about the death of Absalom, David’s first question was, “Is the young man Absalom safe?” (2 Samuel 18:29). When he was told that Absalom was killed, the Bible says he was shaken and wept. He cried, “O my son Absalom! My son, my son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you – O Absalom, my son, my son!” (v. 33).
Amnon: Spoiled, Evil Brat (2 Samuel Chapters 13-14)
Amnon was another troubled son that we read of in 2 Samuel 13 who gets a “Me Me Me” Award. This is the son who fell in love with his beautiful half sister who was an unmarried virgin, lured her into his house on the guise of needing her to care for him in sickness and subsequently raped her (v. 13). She had pleaded for him to just ask his father David for her hand in marriage (which, upon glancing at the nearest trusted online commentary, was illegal even at that time based on the mosaic law, Leviticus 18:9 ), but he refused. In fact, after he raped her his love turned to hate; he then “hated her more than he loved her,” and he cast her out of his sight. At that time, the consequences of no longer being a virgin, even if raped, were undesirability by others and shame (vv. 18-20). After the incident Tamar, weeping, went to stay with her brother Absalom, where she remained a “desolate woman” (v. 20). The Bible also says that the incident infuriated David (v. 21).
As noted, Amnon saw his demise in the form of Absalom avenging Tamar’s rape by taking his life (this occurred before Absalom’s conspiracy against David). The Bible says that once Absalom learned of the rape, he hated Amnon for disgracing his sister, but “never said a word to Amnon, good or bad” (v. 22). Then, two years later, Absalom carried out a plan to murder Amnon that consisted of Absalom inviting all of David’s sons (from many women), to watch some of his sheep being shorn by shearers for entertainment. When Amnon was in “high spirits” from drinking wine, Absalom instructed his men to strike Amnon and kill him (v. 28). And that was Amnon’s end.
But the Bible says that David also mourned the death of Amnon, and he and other sons wept bitterly (v. 36). Afterward Absalom had actually fled Jerusalem, for three years, but then “the spirit of the king [David] longed to go to Absalom, for he was consoled concerning Amnon’s death” (v. 38). From the drama of one son, to another’s…
Adonijah: Brother like Brothers (1 Kings Chapters 1-2)
Absalom wasn’t the only son who tried to steal the throne from the legitimate ruler in the family. This story I was least familiar with. Adonijah, the son born after Absalom, thought he should inherit the throne from David as his father got old. Interestingly enough, like his brother Absalom, he got a horse-drawn chariot and entourage of 50 to support his bid, and declared, “I will be king” (I Kings 1: 5).
But David had made an oath with Bathsheba that Solomon, Adonijah’s younger half brother, would be the next king (I Kings 1: 30). The Bible indicates that Adonijah was aware of this oath, as he gathered all his brothers to celebrate his self-pronouncement except Solomon (v. 10). He also gained support from the priest and David’s army commander, but avoided seeking support from the prophet Nathan (i.e., God’s messenger who had come to David after the incident with Bathsheba) and several more of David’s key officials (v. 10).
We gain some insight into how David may have treated some of his sons that contributed to their bad behavior. In the verse after Adonijah declares “I will be king,” it says in parentheses that Adonijah was handsome, but also that “His father had never interfered with him by asking, ‘Why do you behave as you do?’” (v. 6). I found this verse so fascinating – God’s note that David never confronted his son’s self-centeredness!
Even if you aren’t familiar with this story, judging from the outcomes of the other troubled sons, it’s no surprise that it ends in death. David crowned Solomon king as promised and died shortly after (1 Kings 2). In fear, Adonijah pleaded for Solomon not to kill him (1 Kings 1:51). Solomon replies that, provided he does not act up, “not a hair on his head will fall from the ground; but if evil is found in him, he will die” (1 Kings 1: 52).
But of course Adonijah chooses evil. After a time he starts to jab at overtaking the throne by going to Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, under the guise of “peace” and smoothly asking that she ask Solomon to give him a wife that would allow him more opportunity to take the throne (1 Kings 2: 22). Seeing right through him, Solomon ordered for his death (v. 25). Another bloody end.
SMARTEST SON (aka Wisest Man to Ever Walk Earth)
Lastly, at least there is one of David’s sons in the Bible highlighted mostly for good rather than evil, his well-known successor Solomon. Here I’m merely frocking him with the title he's already been given as the wisest man that ever lived, which he received after asking God for wisdom in 1 Kings 3 over anything else that he could have requested.
We know much about his life – the wise counsel he gave people from far and wide who came to him for it; his rebuilding of the temple of the Lord, which his father David had longed to do, and that he had admirers the world over, such as the queen of Sheba. The Bible says he spoke 3,000 proverbs and had 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32) (one of them may have been the unique, passionate love story, Song of Songs, on which thoughts were shared last year). Some life – would make a proud father of David!
The Bible also shows that Solomon was not treated the same as some of David’s other children. From the time he was born to David and Bathsheba, he was committed to God. The presence of God was with Solomon from birth. The first child David and Bathsheba bore adulterously had died as a punishment for David's sin, but Solomon was conceived after David repented. It was said that the Lord loved him, and sent word through Nathan the prophet that he also be named Jedidiah, which means just that (i.e., “loved by the Lord”) (2 Samuel 12:25).
Furthermore, shortly before Solomon became king of Israel, David gave him this charge in 1 Kings 2:
2 “I am about to go the way of all the earth,” he said. “So be strong, show yourself a man, 3 and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in his ways, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go, 4 and that the LORD may keep his promise to me: ‘If your descendants watch how they live, and if they walk faithfully before me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.'"
For a time – a long time, Solomon followed God’s ways. God even appeared to Solomon twice (1 Kings 11:9). Yet eventually Solomon chose to go after the many foreign women who worshipped other gods and whom God had warned, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods” (1 Kings 11: 2). The Bible says that “Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord as his father David’s had been” (1 Kings 11: 2-4).
The result? The colossal split of Israel and the tribe of Judah that later occurred under his son Rehoboam, but began with adversaries under Solomon’s reign (1 Kings 11:23). All of Israel, except for Judah, was torn from David’s line. And Judah only remained with David’s offspring for but one reason: David’s faithfulness, which God predicted when he told Solomon of the demise to come through Solomon’s son: “Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen” (1 Kings 11: 13).
Wow: what a breath of lessons to learn from the lives of David and his sons! I honestly planned to cover a few more items from David’s life in this entry, but summarizing the boys’ stories took over!
The lesson I want to highlight is the importance of raising our children today to know and follow Jesus. Proverbs 22:6, likely written by Solomon, says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” While David provided training to at least Solomon, verses like 1 Kings 1: 6 show that there were problems with the way he raised other children. It is not enough to ourselves follow Jesus and just expect that our kids will also, as I noted in a recent entry - we also have to instruct our children to do the same. If we don’t teach them the value of knowing Christ, other lesser values will take that place in their lives.
Also, parents must set a good example for their children in every area of their lives. While David lived pleasing to God, he set the bad example by following the practice of marrying more than one wife and having concubines, which at least one of them followed, Solomon – and many folds over! It is a testament to the fact that our lives, in addition to our words, are watched by our children.
While we may not be able to guarantee that raising our children to know God will make them warriors for Christ, we give them the very best chance to be so when we immerse them in the ways of the Master. I pray to raise kids totally devoted to Christ!
The life of David is truly a reminder that God sees beyond what we do. As God said to Samuel when he told him to choose David as king above all his older, taller brothers, whom God passed over:
7…“Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
God saw things about David’s heart that the human eye couldn’t.
The life of David also fits squarely in the Story of Redemption that resulted in Jesus, the “Lion of Judah” of David’s line, making the ultimate sacrifice of death – and then resurrecting - to offer us all eternal life. We can never be good enough to earn it, sin enough to lose it once we have it, and experience it in the form of grace every single day. The story of David gives us hope that, despite our sin, we are justified by faith in God, and he transforms us into beings that have his heart. I like to pray what David prayed in Psalm 139: 23-24:
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
As I’ve said before, David is one of my favorite people in the Bible, like many. I’ve blogged about my admiration for his passionate devotion to God as a characteristic of a real man.
The story of David and Bathsheba, coupled with one of the penitential psalm David wrote in deep remorse after the incident, Psalm 51, make one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Whenever people try to define David solely by the drama with Bathsheba, I’m quick to point out 1 Kings 15:5, which summarizes his life from God’s perspective: “For David had done what was right in the eyes of the LORD and had not failed to keep any of the LORD’s commands all the days of his life—except in the case of Uriah the Hittite” (Uriah being Bathsheba’s husband)(also check out this question answering “How could David be Considered a Man After God’s Own Heart?")
Looking at his life story in First and Second Samuel, and some in The Kings and Chronicles, were highlights of my read. This is the first of at least two award entries highlighting the noteworthy people and events in David’s life. This entry covers some of his sons, who certainly lacked no personality.
David may have been “A Man After God’s Own Heart,” but, truth be told, he had some bad kids. Not all of them – mind you, but at least a few of his wayward offspring were highlighted in the Bible for their dastardly deeds. First Chronicles 3 names close to 20 of David’s sons born to several wives, not including those born by concubines (v. 9). David’s decision to have many wives likely had something to do with his children’s outcome, as is also gleaned from his story. There were alliances and rivalries between and among brothers, mothers, and sometimes sisters that caused serious familial divides and affected David himself. As is often pointed out, while the Bible records the fact that men practiced polygamy, nowhere does it condone the practice. In fact, lives such as David’s show the damning consequences of choosing this lifestyle. On that note, a list of some of the conniving kids:
Absalom: Narcissistic Avenger who also Suffered from Illusions of Grandeur
Absalom was one of David’s most prominently discussed sons, save Solomon. You probably know him as the son who conspired against his father to take the throne but was murdered by David’s army commander in the process. David wrote Psalm 3 while in hiding from Absalom. This son also is known for killing his half brother who raped their sister, although this was perhaps the least heartless action that was portrayed about Absalom’s life.
Absalom got a lot of attention, particularly for his looks. In 2 Samuel 14 it says that “In all Israel there was not a man so highly praised for his appearance as Absalom. From the top of his head to the sole of his foot there as no blemish in him. Whenever he cut the hair off his head – he used to cut his hair from time to time when it became too heavy for him – he would weigh it, and its weight was two hundred shekels by the royal standard,” or five pounds (doesn’t sound like it was subsequently donated to the “Locks of Love” of the day, lol).
When Absalom decided that he wanted to steal the kingship from his father, he used looks and charm to gain public support. In 2 Samuel 15, he got himself a horse-drawn chariot and an entourage of 50, tried to make himself judge among the people over his father the king and “stole the hearts of men” by kissing people who tried to bow down to him (2 Samuel 15:18).
The hair, the crown of his beauty, was actually the thing God used for his demise. When Absalom’s conspiracy against King David reached its height and David fled Jerusalem and the palace, he gathered his men to stand against Absalom and his following. The Bible says in 2 Samuel 18 that as Absalom and some of his men happened upon some of David’s men, Absalom, on a mule, rode under the thick branches of a large oak tree. His hair got caught in the tree, causing him to hang from it by the head (vv. 9-10). As he dangled in mid-air, one of David’s men came by the tree and swiftly gutted him in the heart (v. 14). His remains were thrown into a big pit in the forest, where rocks were piled over it (v. 17).
Despite Absalom’s betrayal, David mourned the loss of his son. He still did not want to see Absalom killed, and specifically asked that, even if his men captured him, he be returned alive. When a messenger from the field came to share about the death of Absalom, David’s first question was, “Is the young man Absalom safe?” (2 Samuel 18:29). When he was told that Absalom was killed, the Bible says he was shaken and wept. He cried, “O my son Absalom! My son, my son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you – O Absalom, my son, my son!” (v. 33).
Amnon: Spoiled, Evil Brat (2 Samuel Chapters 13-14)
Amnon was another troubled son that we read of in 2 Samuel 13 who gets a “Me Me Me” Award. This is the son who fell in love with his beautiful half sister who was an unmarried virgin, lured her into his house on the guise of needing her to care for him in sickness and subsequently raped her (v. 13). She had pleaded for him to just ask his father David for her hand in marriage (which, upon glancing at the nearest trusted online commentary, was illegal even at that time based on the mosaic law, Leviticus 18:9 ), but he refused. In fact, after he raped her his love turned to hate; he then “hated her more than he loved her,” and he cast her out of his sight. At that time, the consequences of no longer being a virgin, even if raped, were undesirability by others and shame (vv. 18-20). After the incident Tamar, weeping, went to stay with her brother Absalom, where she remained a “desolate woman” (v. 20). The Bible also says that the incident infuriated David (v. 21).
As noted, Amnon saw his demise in the form of Absalom avenging Tamar’s rape by taking his life (this occurred before Absalom’s conspiracy against David). The Bible says that once Absalom learned of the rape, he hated Amnon for disgracing his sister, but “never said a word to Amnon, good or bad” (v. 22). Then, two years later, Absalom carried out a plan to murder Amnon that consisted of Absalom inviting all of David’s sons (from many women), to watch some of his sheep being shorn by shearers for entertainment. When Amnon was in “high spirits” from drinking wine, Absalom instructed his men to strike Amnon and kill him (v. 28). And that was Amnon’s end.
But the Bible says that David also mourned the death of Amnon, and he and other sons wept bitterly (v. 36). Afterward Absalom had actually fled Jerusalem, for three years, but then “the spirit of the king [David] longed to go to Absalom, for he was consoled concerning Amnon’s death” (v. 38). From the drama of one son, to another’s…
Adonijah: Brother like Brothers (1 Kings Chapters 1-2)
Absalom wasn’t the only son who tried to steal the throne from the legitimate ruler in the family. This story I was least familiar with. Adonijah, the son born after Absalom, thought he should inherit the throne from David as his father got old. Interestingly enough, like his brother Absalom, he got a horse-drawn chariot and entourage of 50 to support his bid, and declared, “I will be king” (I Kings 1: 5).
But David had made an oath with Bathsheba that Solomon, Adonijah’s younger half brother, would be the next king (I Kings 1: 30). The Bible indicates that Adonijah was aware of this oath, as he gathered all his brothers to celebrate his self-pronouncement except Solomon (v. 10). He also gained support from the priest and David’s army commander, but avoided seeking support from the prophet Nathan (i.e., God’s messenger who had come to David after the incident with Bathsheba) and several more of David’s key officials (v. 10).
We gain some insight into how David may have treated some of his sons that contributed to their bad behavior. In the verse after Adonijah declares “I will be king,” it says in parentheses that Adonijah was handsome, but also that “His father had never interfered with him by asking, ‘Why do you behave as you do?’” (v. 6). I found this verse so fascinating – God’s note that David never confronted his son’s self-centeredness!
Even if you aren’t familiar with this story, judging from the outcomes of the other troubled sons, it’s no surprise that it ends in death. David crowned Solomon king as promised and died shortly after (1 Kings 2). In fear, Adonijah pleaded for Solomon not to kill him (1 Kings 1:51). Solomon replies that, provided he does not act up, “not a hair on his head will fall from the ground; but if evil is found in him, he will die” (1 Kings 1: 52).
But of course Adonijah chooses evil. After a time he starts to jab at overtaking the throne by going to Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, under the guise of “peace” and smoothly asking that she ask Solomon to give him a wife that would allow him more opportunity to take the throne (1 Kings 2: 22). Seeing right through him, Solomon ordered for his death (v. 25). Another bloody end.
SMARTEST SON (aka Wisest Man to Ever Walk Earth)
Lastly, at least there is one of David’s sons in the Bible highlighted mostly for good rather than evil, his well-known successor Solomon. Here I’m merely frocking him with the title he's already been given as the wisest man that ever lived, which he received after asking God for wisdom in 1 Kings 3 over anything else that he could have requested.
We know much about his life – the wise counsel he gave people from far and wide who came to him for it; his rebuilding of the temple of the Lord, which his father David had longed to do, and that he had admirers the world over, such as the queen of Sheba. The Bible says he spoke 3,000 proverbs and had 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32) (one of them may have been the unique, passionate love story, Song of Songs, on which thoughts were shared last year). Some life – would make a proud father of David!
The Bible also shows that Solomon was not treated the same as some of David’s other children. From the time he was born to David and Bathsheba, he was committed to God. The presence of God was with Solomon from birth. The first child David and Bathsheba bore adulterously had died as a punishment for David's sin, but Solomon was conceived after David repented. It was said that the Lord loved him, and sent word through Nathan the prophet that he also be named Jedidiah, which means just that (i.e., “loved by the Lord”) (2 Samuel 12:25).
Furthermore, shortly before Solomon became king of Israel, David gave him this charge in 1 Kings 2:
2 “I am about to go the way of all the earth,” he said. “So be strong, show yourself a man, 3 and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in his ways, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go, 4 and that the LORD may keep his promise to me: ‘If your descendants watch how they live, and if they walk faithfully before me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.'"
For a time – a long time, Solomon followed God’s ways. God even appeared to Solomon twice (1 Kings 11:9). Yet eventually Solomon chose to go after the many foreign women who worshipped other gods and whom God had warned, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods” (1 Kings 11: 2). The Bible says that “Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord as his father David’s had been” (1 Kings 11: 2-4).
The result? The colossal split of Israel and the tribe of Judah that later occurred under his son Rehoboam, but began with adversaries under Solomon’s reign (1 Kings 11:23). All of Israel, except for Judah, was torn from David’s line. And Judah only remained with David’s offspring for but one reason: David’s faithfulness, which God predicted when he told Solomon of the demise to come through Solomon’s son: “Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen” (1 Kings 11: 13).
Wow: what a breath of lessons to learn from the lives of David and his sons! I honestly planned to cover a few more items from David’s life in this entry, but summarizing the boys’ stories took over!
The lesson I want to highlight is the importance of raising our children today to know and follow Jesus. Proverbs 22:6, likely written by Solomon, says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” While David provided training to at least Solomon, verses like 1 Kings 1: 6 show that there were problems with the way he raised other children. It is not enough to ourselves follow Jesus and just expect that our kids will also, as I noted in a recent entry - we also have to instruct our children to do the same. If we don’t teach them the value of knowing Christ, other lesser values will take that place in their lives.
Also, parents must set a good example for their children in every area of their lives. While David lived pleasing to God, he set the bad example by following the practice of marrying more than one wife and having concubines, which at least one of them followed, Solomon – and many folds over! It is a testament to the fact that our lives, in addition to our words, are watched by our children.
While we may not be able to guarantee that raising our children to know God will make them warriors for Christ, we give them the very best chance to be so when we immerse them in the ways of the Master. I pray to raise kids totally devoted to Christ!
The life of David is truly a reminder that God sees beyond what we do. As God said to Samuel when he told him to choose David as king above all his older, taller brothers, whom God passed over:
7…“Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
God saw things about David’s heart that the human eye couldn’t.
The life of David also fits squarely in the Story of Redemption that resulted in Jesus, the “Lion of Judah” of David’s line, making the ultimate sacrifice of death – and then resurrecting - to offer us all eternal life. We can never be good enough to earn it, sin enough to lose it once we have it, and experience it in the form of grace every single day. The story of David gives us hope that, despite our sin, we are justified by faith in God, and he transforms us into beings that have his heart. I like to pray what David prayed in Psalm 139: 23-24:
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
Sunday, August 14, 2011
God Is...
This weekend I had a great time at a church retreat for small group leaders. On my way to and from the conference I listened to a message series about the character of God called “God Is…” Each week different attributes of God completed the phrase. We also had a session during the retreat where team members shared an aspect of God that resonates with them.
Two characteristics from the sermon series that I appreciated were that God is loving, or good, and powerful, or strong. Psalm 62: 11-12 was quoted:
“One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving...”
There is so much power in the psalmist’s iteration of those attributes of God. The pastor told everyone to imagine if God were only one, rather than both, of those characteristics. If He were loving but not powerful, He would have all the good intention but lack the ability to work in our circumstances. And if He were powerful but not loving, we might only experience His wrath and not His mercy.
But thank God that He’s both powerful and loving! We can give everything to Him. He not only cares deeply for us and desires to act on our behalf, but also has all the power to do so!
It’s wonderful to reflect on the many awesome attributes our God possesses. How Great is Our God!
Two characteristics from the sermon series that I appreciated were that God is loving, or good, and powerful, or strong. Psalm 62: 11-12 was quoted:
“One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving...”
There is so much power in the psalmist’s iteration of those attributes of God. The pastor told everyone to imagine if God were only one, rather than both, of those characteristics. If He were loving but not powerful, He would have all the good intention but lack the ability to work in our circumstances. And if He were powerful but not loving, we might only experience His wrath and not His mercy.
But thank God that He’s both powerful and loving! We can give everything to Him. He not only cares deeply for us and desires to act on our behalf, but also has all the power to do so!
It’s wonderful to reflect on the many awesome attributes our God possesses. How Great is Our God!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Great Sermon
Last week we had our last message in the “Front Page Series” I’ve mentioned, and the topic was Same-Sex Marriage. I think it’s the best message on homosexuality I have ever heard to date (although I have heard very few messages on the topic – but even if I had, it would still rank as a great one!). I highly recommend checking it out.
I really like the way my pastor approached the topic. He starts by emphasizing God’s love for all humanity – including people who identify as gay. As he notes, many Christians ostracize people for their sexual orientation, but God calls us to love everyone.
At the same time, he also notes the reality from Scripture that God does not support everything His creations do – including homosexuality. He says that long before we were ever born or thought of, God categorized it as sin – not because He doesn’t love us, but because it was not in His design for romantic relationships. The message looks through Scripture – from the Old Testament to the New – to highlight that God, at no point, changed His mind on this issue.
I know this topic can be very challenging to address for many Christians – as also pointed out in the message, Christians have so many conflicting views on the topic. But as Christians, our standard for every issue has to be what God says – not our personal feelings.
In His Word, God lays out His standard for relationships that glorify Him. I’ve heard the arguments that some people try to make from Scripture that God is not actually against homosexuality – that He is only against it for the people for whom it is not their “nature” – but such “interpretation” defies the cannons of biblical construction (yes, I am part referencing legal statutory interpretation, but I am fascinated at how the maxims of construction are similar- I think the law borrowed from biblical hermeneutics)! As tough as it can be to swallow for even some followers of Christ, it is not in His will.
So what do we do as Christians in a world where being against the practice seems to be increasingly unpopular? We show love to everyone – because every single person, regardless of orientation, is valuable to God – but also recognize that our identity first has to be in Christ. I believe it is more than possible for a born-again Christian to struggle with homosexuality. But I also believe that is where victory through Christ comes in – through His Spirit in us we can overcome any struggle despite what the world says.
I think the message also presents a beautiful picture of the purpose of marriage to glorify God. A marriage - between a man and a woman – gives a couple the divine enablement to be even more empowered, united – to live for Christ. Marriage joins a couple in body and spirit, as One.Flesh. That is all the more reason to remember that our bodies are temples – houses of God – that just can’t be handled by any old “date” in the heat of passion. Before we let someone else that is not our spouse in a divinely orchestrated marriage touch us here or there, we have to think about how God views not just sex – but any romantic touch. He has designed intimate physical contact for a purpose, in marriage, that is meant to be so fulfilling, freeing and illustrative of His sacrificial love for us. How beautiful even that thought is – and so worth the wait!
Regardless of what you think about homosexuality, I think this message is worth a listen to hear what God thinks. And anytime we look to God’s Word, we should pray that God opens our eyes to see all the wonderful, liberating truths in His law. That’s what I pray for in this case, too.
Check out the message here. Note you can also get it on iTunes – The Bridge DC > Front Page > Same Sex Marriage. Let’s take the Creator at His Word that His thoughts and ways are always higher than our own – perfect.
I really like the way my pastor approached the topic. He starts by emphasizing God’s love for all humanity – including people who identify as gay. As he notes, many Christians ostracize people for their sexual orientation, but God calls us to love everyone.
At the same time, he also notes the reality from Scripture that God does not support everything His creations do – including homosexuality. He says that long before we were ever born or thought of, God categorized it as sin – not because He doesn’t love us, but because it was not in His design for romantic relationships. The message looks through Scripture – from the Old Testament to the New – to highlight that God, at no point, changed His mind on this issue.
I know this topic can be very challenging to address for many Christians – as also pointed out in the message, Christians have so many conflicting views on the topic. But as Christians, our standard for every issue has to be what God says – not our personal feelings.
In His Word, God lays out His standard for relationships that glorify Him. I’ve heard the arguments that some people try to make from Scripture that God is not actually against homosexuality – that He is only against it for the people for whom it is not their “nature” – but such “interpretation” defies the cannons of biblical construction (yes, I am part referencing legal statutory interpretation, but I am fascinated at how the maxims of construction are similar- I think the law borrowed from biblical hermeneutics)! As tough as it can be to swallow for even some followers of Christ, it is not in His will.
So what do we do as Christians in a world where being against the practice seems to be increasingly unpopular? We show love to everyone – because every single person, regardless of orientation, is valuable to God – but also recognize that our identity first has to be in Christ. I believe it is more than possible for a born-again Christian to struggle with homosexuality. But I also believe that is where victory through Christ comes in – through His Spirit in us we can overcome any struggle despite what the world says.
I think the message also presents a beautiful picture of the purpose of marriage to glorify God. A marriage - between a man and a woman – gives a couple the divine enablement to be even more empowered, united – to live for Christ. Marriage joins a couple in body and spirit, as One.Flesh. That is all the more reason to remember that our bodies are temples – houses of God – that just can’t be handled by any old “date” in the heat of passion. Before we let someone else that is not our spouse in a divinely orchestrated marriage touch us here or there, we have to think about how God views not just sex – but any romantic touch. He has designed intimate physical contact for a purpose, in marriage, that is meant to be so fulfilling, freeing and illustrative of His sacrificial love for us. How beautiful even that thought is – and so worth the wait!
Regardless of what you think about homosexuality, I think this message is worth a listen to hear what God thinks. And anytime we look to God’s Word, we should pray that God opens our eyes to see all the wonderful, liberating truths in His law. That’s what I pray for in this case, too.
Check out the message here. Note you can also get it on iTunes – The Bridge DC > Front Page > Same Sex Marriage. Let’s take the Creator at His Word that His thoughts and ways are always higher than our own – perfect.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Love the World. Challenge the Church.
On Sunday we had a great message at church that I wanted to pass on. We’ve been doing this series called “Front Page” about how recent events in the news relate to our faith. Topics we’ve covered so far are natural disasters; Bin Laden’s death; Harold Camping/May 21st and the Westboro Baptist Church.
The latest topic was the Westboro Baptist Church. The theme, “Love the World, Challenge the Church,” was about the need for Christians to show society more compassion and be known more for what we stand for than the particular sins that we are against. The message also was that, while we need to show the world more love, we also need to confront each other about sin within The Body more– in other words, many of us need to reverse our behavior!
Love the World…
The “love the world” part was a great, necessary message. A central part of this aspect of the sermon was that we often have godly expectations of an ungodly world. However, evaluating myself, I could say loving the world is not something I struggle with. If I ever start to think about why someone who does not know Christ would not understand godly principles, I immediately think of 1 Corinthians 2:14, which was also covered in the message: “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 is a similar reminder of how radically different God’s ways are from the world’s- and that we can only know God’s truth if we’ve accepted Christ!
Challenge the Church…
The greater challenge for me from the message was confronting others in The Body of Christ, or “speaking the truth in love,” as it is often described. Below are a few of the reasons – or excuses -- we give for not confronting other Christians about sin:
One excuse for me is not wanting to be misjudged. I’m thankful that people know me as a person who holds godly standards and avoids compromise. But, admittedly, at times I’ve felt judgment for taking unpopular positions. Sometimes other Christians assume that because of a stance you’ve taken, you believe anyone who does not do the same is not living for God, or that you think you’re a better Christian- even if they’ve never asked you what you really think! As a result, in some instances I’ve avoided confronting someone where I should have because (1) I think the person already knows where I stand and I don’t want to do “overkill” or (2) someone might think I view myself as better than they are (aka “holier than thou,” if I can bring that back!).
I think it can also be challenging to confront another brother or sister in Christ who you already admire for their walk with God and may also be a good friend. On one hand this can make it easier because of the existing bond, but that’s also what can make it harder. You want that person to still like you – and, again, you don’t want them to think that you see yourself on some higher spiritual plane than they are when, in fact, you actually look up to that person!
Another reason is sometimes we just don’t see some issues as serious enough to confront. I think if we had friends who started doing drugs or engaging in prostitution, we’d probably think those were issues of death or life that require confrontation. But, consciously or not, there are some sins that may not seem to be worth confronting: for example, a brother or sister in Christ is part of a ministry team at church but frequently shirks on responsibilities, but the team still gets things done. Someone might be kinda sorta hanging out too closely with someone they shouldn’t, but there’s no way to bring it up without being direct. In these instances, we might think saying something is “more trouble than it’s worth.”
Other times, we feel like we can’t confront someone because we’ve struggled with the same issue. In short, we don’t want to be hypoctrites!
These are just some of the instances when we keep silent within the Body. However, if we really consider the consequences of sin and the purpose of the Body of Christ – to build each other up in love – there are times when we have to speak up.
Working On It...
This is an issue God has been working on me for some time. It started a few years ago when I had a series of unrelated conversations with brothers or sisters in Christ, and The Holy Spirit literally told me to ask some pointed questions that seemed to be a little bit in left field i.e., I “didn’t have enough information to go on,” I thought, or I judged them too direct. In the instances where I chose to ignore His voice, I later found out that exactly what God had brought to my mind was at issue, and that the person faced a serious consequence as a result of the circumstance. I regret those instances not because speaking up necessarily would have changed the outcome, but because I didn’t do what God told me to.
By contrast, in the instances where I did listen, even if it was uncomfortable, God used me to address an issue another brother or sister in Christ was having and encourage them, however big or small. Ultimately, our job as Christians is always to do what God asks us – even if we don’t think we have all the facts. In my experience, God has tended to use me to confront spiritual issues that I’m passionate about and already attuned to God’s heart on. I think being sensitive to God’s leading in areas where He’s already given us insight into is one way He can use us in this area.
Putting It On…
Speaking the truth in the Body is about love. I Corinthians 13: 6 says that love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Not pointing out harm in The Body can be a way of delighting in evil.
Ephesians 4 also says that speaking the truth in love helps us grow up to be more like Christ, The Head of the Body.
Getting Better…
I’m learning that love tells the truth. I’ve noticed that when I really care about someone else, I’m able to confront issues despite the fact that it might be really uncomfortable. What compels me most is that I want their relationship with God to thrive – and their witness to be evident to all. But that’s also how we should feel about everyone in The Body!
Ultimately, to love others, especially those in the Body, there are times we need to be confrontational. We have to get over ourselves and our worries so that we can build each other up in love. And the more we do it, the better we’ll get at it (Amen)!
Take a listen to the Westboro Message (or get it free on iTunes at the Bridge DC> Frontpage > Westboro Baptist) – and take your own “Love/Challenge” inventory!
The latest topic was the Westboro Baptist Church. The theme, “Love the World, Challenge the Church,” was about the need for Christians to show society more compassion and be known more for what we stand for than the particular sins that we are against. The message also was that, while we need to show the world more love, we also need to confront each other about sin within The Body more– in other words, many of us need to reverse our behavior!
Love the World…
The “love the world” part was a great, necessary message. A central part of this aspect of the sermon was that we often have godly expectations of an ungodly world. However, evaluating myself, I could say loving the world is not something I struggle with. If I ever start to think about why someone who does not know Christ would not understand godly principles, I immediately think of 1 Corinthians 2:14, which was also covered in the message: “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 is a similar reminder of how radically different God’s ways are from the world’s- and that we can only know God’s truth if we’ve accepted Christ!
Challenge the Church…
The greater challenge for me from the message was confronting others in The Body of Christ, or “speaking the truth in love,” as it is often described. Below are a few of the reasons – or excuses -- we give for not confronting other Christians about sin:
One excuse for me is not wanting to be misjudged. I’m thankful that people know me as a person who holds godly standards and avoids compromise. But, admittedly, at times I’ve felt judgment for taking unpopular positions. Sometimes other Christians assume that because of a stance you’ve taken, you believe anyone who does not do the same is not living for God, or that you think you’re a better Christian- even if they’ve never asked you what you really think! As a result, in some instances I’ve avoided confronting someone where I should have because (1) I think the person already knows where I stand and I don’t want to do “overkill” or (2) someone might think I view myself as better than they are (aka “holier than thou,” if I can bring that back!).
I think it can also be challenging to confront another brother or sister in Christ who you already admire for their walk with God and may also be a good friend. On one hand this can make it easier because of the existing bond, but that’s also what can make it harder. You want that person to still like you – and, again, you don’t want them to think that you see yourself on some higher spiritual plane than they are when, in fact, you actually look up to that person!
Another reason is sometimes we just don’t see some issues as serious enough to confront. I think if we had friends who started doing drugs or engaging in prostitution, we’d probably think those were issues of death or life that require confrontation. But, consciously or not, there are some sins that may not seem to be worth confronting: for example, a brother or sister in Christ is part of a ministry team at church but frequently shirks on responsibilities, but the team still gets things done. Someone might be kinda sorta hanging out too closely with someone they shouldn’t, but there’s no way to bring it up without being direct. In these instances, we might think saying something is “more trouble than it’s worth.”
Other times, we feel like we can’t confront someone because we’ve struggled with the same issue. In short, we don’t want to be hypoctrites!
These are just some of the instances when we keep silent within the Body. However, if we really consider the consequences of sin and the purpose of the Body of Christ – to build each other up in love – there are times when we have to speak up.
Working On It...
This is an issue God has been working on me for some time. It started a few years ago when I had a series of unrelated conversations with brothers or sisters in Christ, and The Holy Spirit literally told me to ask some pointed questions that seemed to be a little bit in left field i.e., I “didn’t have enough information to go on,” I thought, or I judged them too direct. In the instances where I chose to ignore His voice, I later found out that exactly what God had brought to my mind was at issue, and that the person faced a serious consequence as a result of the circumstance. I regret those instances not because speaking up necessarily would have changed the outcome, but because I didn’t do what God told me to.
By contrast, in the instances where I did listen, even if it was uncomfortable, God used me to address an issue another brother or sister in Christ was having and encourage them, however big or small. Ultimately, our job as Christians is always to do what God asks us – even if we don’t think we have all the facts. In my experience, God has tended to use me to confront spiritual issues that I’m passionate about and already attuned to God’s heart on. I think being sensitive to God’s leading in areas where He’s already given us insight into is one way He can use us in this area.
Putting It On…
Speaking the truth in the Body is about love. I Corinthians 13: 6 says that love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Not pointing out harm in The Body can be a way of delighting in evil.
Ephesians 4 also says that speaking the truth in love helps us grow up to be more like Christ, The Head of the Body.
Getting Better…
I’m learning that love tells the truth. I’ve noticed that when I really care about someone else, I’m able to confront issues despite the fact that it might be really uncomfortable. What compels me most is that I want their relationship with God to thrive – and their witness to be evident to all. But that’s also how we should feel about everyone in The Body!
Ultimately, to love others, especially those in the Body, there are times we need to be confrontational. We have to get over ourselves and our worries so that we can build each other up in love. And the more we do it, the better we’ll get at it (Amen)!
Take a listen to the Westboro Message (or get it free on iTunes at the Bridge DC> Frontpage > Westboro Baptist) – and take your own “Love/Challenge” inventory!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Approach? (On Godly Pursuing)
Purity. I can never exhaust discussion about it. What’s on my mind this time is actually thoughts about men approaching women in purity.
It may seem like somewhat of a misplaced topic. There’s only one other instance I can recall doing an entry about men. As in that case, I was inspired by discussions I had with others. Also as I mentioned there, I am of course not an authority on men – nor is it my role to be one. Rather, I’m simply sharing a few thoughts God brought to mind on this issue.
Some friends hosted an awesome co-ed dialogue this weekend about how men and women in the Body of Christ should relate to each other in both romantic relationships and friendships; as brothers and sisters in Christ. There were single and married people and a good, near-even mix of men and women (at least by the middle of the night, lol). One of exercises was for women and men to write down questions about dealing with the opposite sex. The men and women then split up and picked a couple questions the other sex wrote down to answer that we then discussed collectively.
One of the questions that a man posed, and the ladies decided to answer, was “what are the ‘signs’ that a woman is interested and wanting a man to ask her out?” I think this question raised some of the best conversation of the night. One of the issues both men and women contemplated as a result of that question is how men of God can truly approach women differently than men without Christ do. The dialogue brought out some thoughts I had long been contemplating, and also enlightened me on others. This entry is a culmination of them all.
The Misguided “Hunt” Principle
I think generally, in the Christian community, we have misled men on how –and when – to approach women.
How? I think we’ve encouraged men to be “hunters” but haven’t necessarily told them how to pursue women purposely. I know I’m not the first person to say that, but I do think proper pursuit has often been left out of instruction to Christian men on godly dating.
We’ve forgotten to tell men that they should seek God’s leading before they choose which women to date, not after they’ve started dating a woman. We tell women all the time to trust God for a husband, but often just tell men to go out looking. We are often reminded that “HE who finds a wife finds a good thing” (my paraphrase of the comment and the verse) or references to Bible stories such as “Rebekah did not find Isaac; Isaac found her.”
As I was reminded in the story of Isaac and Rebekah by a sermon I listened to, Isaac was not even the one who went out to “find” Rebekah: God used the servant of his father Abraham to bring her to him. In fact, just before they were introduced, Isaac was out in a field spending time with God, meditating. The Bible does not even indicate whether Isaac was at all aware that a servant was sent afar to find a wife for him. But we do know that God orchestrated the arrival of a godly woman for him.
I’m not saying that a man should just pray and not ask out any woman – but that he should do so at God’s leading. Romans 8:14 says: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (NKJV) What is supposed to distinguish believers in Christ is that we don’t just act on sight alone in any circumstance; instead, we are guided by The Spirit.
A man being “led by the Spirit” in pursuing a woman requires a vision. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.” The KJV uses the word “vision” in place of revelation. I think the NLT breaks it down some more: “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.” Godly direction is necessary to keep us from making detrimental choices – and we thrive with it!
I believe a man should have a list of essential, God-centered characteristics that a woman should posses before dating (as should a woman for a man). I’ve shared how God helped me develop a godly list, so I won’t talk about lists in any more detail here.
In the Woods…
Rather than being led by the Spirit, even Christian men often approach dating as hunters looking to land whatever they see that is somehow in sphere or range. Quite often, even godly men will pick a woman to date not based on a vision, but a couple tidbits about her, number one that she’s cute and, for example, sings in the choir, leads a small group, or has a father in ministry. Or maybe even that she has a “great personality” (I’ve shared my opinion on the potential for personality to be a “false positive” before). But none of those things say much about a woman’s spiritual condition and character – two of the most important ingredients for a godly relationship. Yet we pretty much tell men to just shoot metaphorical darts and eventually the right woman, “the one,” will be the target hit.
If attractiveness, and maybe a tidbit here or there, is the basis for a Christian man pursuing a woman romantically, how is that any different from the world? In Hollywood films, a love story usually starts with a man seeing a beautiful woman and then pursing her, until they reach happily ever after. While a godly man should of course be attracted to a woman he dates, despite what some might say–in a godly pursuit, I believe a man should have much more than that to go on before asking out a woman.
Admittedly, “hunting” with the eyes works for some Christian men. We hear these stories, which, in my experience, tend to be from pastors or other men in ministry, about how a godly man set his sight on a woman at church or Christian college that every guy thought was smokin’ hot– although he knew little else about her. The man subsequently asked her out, she said yes, and she also ended up being the most godly woman on the planet. Then they got married, have had a child every 1.5 years for the last ten years, and every day of their marriage is reportedly steamier than the last.
The success in these instances, I believe, probably has more to do with God’s plan for the couple’s life than the approach in pursuing that the man took, and with the underlying vision the man may have had beyond the woman’s appearance. I don’t know what the statistics are, but, from what I’ve observed, people called to full-time ministry tend to get married earlier, and marriage is often seen as a necessity for ministry, which might make these stories in such contexts ripe for the happening (I did do a little digging and found this interesting blog post about pastors and marriage at least that supports my assertion).
But there are a lot of godly men who take that same “hunting” approach, but end up getting burned, and repeatedly at that. For example, a man sees some woman that looks good to him –especially in a “controlled” setting such as church, but the woman rejects him outright, and painfully so, or he finds out things about her in dating that he could have ruled out in friendship.
At some point, the lack of direction in pursuit takes a toll on a godly man, whether by him just getting sick of the whole dating thing and choosing to take a “hiatus,” however long, or in becoming even more desensitized to restraint in approaching women.
The result? A problematic paradigm that contradicts God’s design for the man as the pursuer - and affects godly women. While I talk about the man not taking any old risk, it is still a man’s job to take the right ones.
“FOB” and the Godly Man’s “Loss” Responsibility
There’s actually a concept we come across in the law that I thought about during our discussion of the man’s God-given role as the pursuer that I’ll share (although I think churches tend to get this part right, but don’t take it far enough in discussing what vision a man should have as he pursues). It’s not a legal concept per se, but it is relevant to legal issues involving contracts and accounting. It’s the buyer-seller concept of FOB (sometimes meaning “Free” or “Freight” On Board, or something else, depending on the region of the world and the type of transaction).
Anyway (and I’m getting to the relevant part), in one context, FOB Destination means that when a seller - say, a manufacturer of laptop computers, ships the goods (i.e., the laptops) to a buyer, such as Best Buy, if anything happens to the shipment while it’s in transit, before it is delivered to the buyer– for example, it falls off a ship or truck; gets burned or stolen, the seller is responsible for the cost of any such accident. In contrast, the buyer has no responsibility to pay for any loss (absent a contrary agreement with the seller). Thus, in an “FOB Destination” situation, the seller, not the buyer, bears the “risk of loss” – i.e., the cost of a failed shipment.
Likewise, God has designed it so that the man’s role as a leader of the family gives him that same kind of “FOB Destination” risk as the seller in pursuing a woman before marriage. He should be fully aware that rejection is always his risk to bear as the initiator – and even be prepared that it is likely to happen at least once. Further, there’s only so much of a “signal” a godly woman can give to a man to allay his fears about whether she is interested other than an open attitude (and chances are that if a woman is giving a man some “certainty” that she wants to date him that eliminates all risk in asking, it may not be the right woman to date!). Men of God just have to accept that the risk is their responsibility – and their reward!
Calculated Risk
At the same time, this should make men more discerning about the kind of risks they take in dating. Proverbs 4:23 - which is often used only for women in the relationship context - provides direction for men. It think it’s so good it needs to be stated in several versions that I think all help understand it better:
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV © 1984)
Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. (NKJV)
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (ESV)
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (NLT)
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (NIV © 2011)
When a man opens his heart to just any woman, especially as he often has to do in “hunting,” he can cause himself the kind of heartbreak that makes asking out godly women under the right circumstances a problem that it shouldn’t be. I do believe that even in instances where men don’t move when they could have God can still work in situations – but it makes them stickier than they ever had to be. When a man guards his heart from just any woman, he positions himself in a healthy place to move toward the right kind of woman according to God’s paradigm.
I know some women would disagree, but I think a good principle for a godly man is to hold off dating a woman he is interested in until he can, with good intention and avoidance of confusion to the woman, get to know her true character in friendship. I say it that way because there can be a tendency for a man to keep things undefined until he thinks he can be “absolutely certain” that the woman will date him when asked. In turn, his actions can end up appearing to give the woman mixed signals about his intentions.
But, in many, if not most, instances, before entering an exclusive dating relationship, there will probably never be a clear signal from God for a man that indicates a woman is near absolutely his wife (and there can never be complete certainty until “I Do” – e.g., even if all wedding plans are in place, a tragedy such as death could occur beforehand). I believe the point of the friendship phase is to find out compatibility and character, and to see if there are any characteristics that “rule out” the woman based on a man’s godly vision. A man has to trust that, if he takes this approach, God will direct him.
If a man is seeking God’s direction and can’t rule out the possibility that a relationship with a woman could work out, but has solid reasons for why it could, I believe it becomes the man’s responsibility to take the chance by initiating a dating relationship.
Some relevant questions: A man doesn’t know if a woman will absolutely say yes to him? There’s not supposed to be a guarantee that she will. He’s not positive that he could see himself married to her? A “could marry,” based on a godly vision, may be the most that he can know without taking that step in faith. He doesn’t have all the answers about how much money he thinks he needs to earn to support a family in the event that the relationship does, in fact, lead to marriage? He can hand that fear over to God, and take any practical steps he can to prepare himself for the possibility of marriage. Colossians 1: 17 says, “He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together.” Proverbs 37: 4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” It’s amazing what God does when we recognize His sovereignty and seek him in our desires – including in dating!
Further, if a man approaches a godly woman in a godly way and it does not work out, he will most likely lose far less than in a more random hunt. He may still gain friendship with a sister in Christ – or at least godly insight for the next relationship! And with the right pursuit, the outcome of an unsuccessful relationship will certainly be much healthier than the “missed target” result that can come from just “hunting” based on looks and little else. And where a man is led by the Spirit, he has the ultimate security that God will not disappoint him. That’s yet another risk mitigator!
For The Ladies
How do women fit into the “search” puzzle? I think that in all friendships and dating relationships with men, we have to trust God’s sovereignty as well. As I’ve shared, I tend to believe that, based on scripture, absent some direction from God in a specific situation to the contrary, a woman should not be the one to declare the desire for a relationship (Lately, I heard the story of a missionary couple where the woman told the man I love you after an eight-year I-might-like-you-I might-not friendship and it worked out, but I tend to see those kinds of stories as the exception). I believe that a woman guarding her heart should mean that no matter how much she cares for a man, if he does not move the relationship in a romantic direction, she does not give her heart to him.
If a man never moves a relationship from friendship to romance, it most likely was not God’s will for it to happen. Part of trusting God’s sovereignty is knowing that we can only see what’s in front of us, while God sees all. We may think that some man is so right for us, but God may have someone -- or something – else in mind that we have yet to see.
At the same time, I don’t think it’s wrong for a woman to desire a particular relationship as long as her desire lines up with Scripture, and she gives it to God and follows His direction – including if He gives her a direction for the desire to change. I’ve listened to stories of couples who were in this situation, and God used the wait time to increase both people’s faith – and the man eventually recognized that God was leading him in the same direction that the woman desired. Sometimes we have a timetable for when things should happen, but God may have a certain work in man or woman before the relationship should happen (not that a man and woman become “more deserving” of a marriage by God working in them, but that God may have particular lessons to teach them in preparation for their union).
However, in these instances a woman also has to remain open to other potential husbands that God could bring her way – but she has to be responsive to men purposely as well – not in retaliation to man she may desire to date who has not spoken up, or because she thinks that she has to just “try other people” to see what will stick. As a man should be observing the character of any woman in friendship, so should a woman.
I think in the wait for marriage in any circumstance, it helps to remember that there are far worse fates than not being married by a certain time – i.e., marrying the wrong person (talk about prison)! I think that where a woman guards her heart, she can learn to navigate different situations with men and have the discernment of when to say yes to an opportunity to date a man, and when to say no (as a man should have trust in God’s sovereignty when a woman does, in fact, say no).
Also, ladies, our biggest concern for brothers (and sisters) in Christ should be encouraging them in their walks with God – not our personal desires. Often, male and female relationships get sticky because each is more concerned with his or her own relationship desires than God’s will for the other person. When we think about how we can encourage and spur each other on toward love and good deeds, God takes care of meeting any relationship desires that are in line with His will. Caring about a brother’s spiritual well-being first is how we keep our desires in check, and all relationships with the opposite sex on firm footing!
After writing way more than I anticipated, I am not even interested in ending with a cute conclusion to match my title as I often try to do – my head hurts! I guess the most I’ll say is that I think men and women of God need to have more conversations about how to associate with each other in a godly way. Hebrews 10: 24 tells us to consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. The following verse says that believers should continue to meet together for encouragement. With the state of male and female relationships in our society – and in The Body – men and women need this kind of productive, God-centered counsel from each other. I give my buddies an “A+!”
It may seem like somewhat of a misplaced topic. There’s only one other instance I can recall doing an entry about men. As in that case, I was inspired by discussions I had with others. Also as I mentioned there, I am of course not an authority on men – nor is it my role to be one. Rather, I’m simply sharing a few thoughts God brought to mind on this issue.
Some friends hosted an awesome co-ed dialogue this weekend about how men and women in the Body of Christ should relate to each other in both romantic relationships and friendships; as brothers and sisters in Christ. There were single and married people and a good, near-even mix of men and women (at least by the middle of the night, lol). One of exercises was for women and men to write down questions about dealing with the opposite sex. The men and women then split up and picked a couple questions the other sex wrote down to answer that we then discussed collectively.
One of the questions that a man posed, and the ladies decided to answer, was “what are the ‘signs’ that a woman is interested and wanting a man to ask her out?” I think this question raised some of the best conversation of the night. One of the issues both men and women contemplated as a result of that question is how men of God can truly approach women differently than men without Christ do. The dialogue brought out some thoughts I had long been contemplating, and also enlightened me on others. This entry is a culmination of them all.
The Misguided “Hunt” Principle
I think generally, in the Christian community, we have misled men on how –and when – to approach women.
How? I think we’ve encouraged men to be “hunters” but haven’t necessarily told them how to pursue women purposely. I know I’m not the first person to say that, but I do think proper pursuit has often been left out of instruction to Christian men on godly dating.
We’ve forgotten to tell men that they should seek God’s leading before they choose which women to date, not after they’ve started dating a woman. We tell women all the time to trust God for a husband, but often just tell men to go out looking. We are often reminded that “HE who finds a wife finds a good thing” (my paraphrase of the comment and the verse) or references to Bible stories such as “Rebekah did not find Isaac; Isaac found her.”
As I was reminded in the story of Isaac and Rebekah by a sermon I listened to, Isaac was not even the one who went out to “find” Rebekah: God used the servant of his father Abraham to bring her to him. In fact, just before they were introduced, Isaac was out in a field spending time with God, meditating. The Bible does not even indicate whether Isaac was at all aware that a servant was sent afar to find a wife for him. But we do know that God orchestrated the arrival of a godly woman for him.
I’m not saying that a man should just pray and not ask out any woman – but that he should do so at God’s leading. Romans 8:14 says: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (NKJV) What is supposed to distinguish believers in Christ is that we don’t just act on sight alone in any circumstance; instead, we are guided by The Spirit.
A man being “led by the Spirit” in pursuing a woman requires a vision. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.” The KJV uses the word “vision” in place of revelation. I think the NLT breaks it down some more: “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.” Godly direction is necessary to keep us from making detrimental choices – and we thrive with it!
I believe a man should have a list of essential, God-centered characteristics that a woman should posses before dating (as should a woman for a man). I’ve shared how God helped me develop a godly list, so I won’t talk about lists in any more detail here.
In the Woods…
Rather than being led by the Spirit, even Christian men often approach dating as hunters looking to land whatever they see that is somehow in sphere or range. Quite often, even godly men will pick a woman to date not based on a vision, but a couple tidbits about her, number one that she’s cute and, for example, sings in the choir, leads a small group, or has a father in ministry. Or maybe even that she has a “great personality” (I’ve shared my opinion on the potential for personality to be a “false positive” before). But none of those things say much about a woman’s spiritual condition and character – two of the most important ingredients for a godly relationship. Yet we pretty much tell men to just shoot metaphorical darts and eventually the right woman, “the one,” will be the target hit.
If attractiveness, and maybe a tidbit here or there, is the basis for a Christian man pursuing a woman romantically, how is that any different from the world? In Hollywood films, a love story usually starts with a man seeing a beautiful woman and then pursing her, until they reach happily ever after. While a godly man should of course be attracted to a woman he dates, despite what some might say–in a godly pursuit, I believe a man should have much more than that to go on before asking out a woman.
Admittedly, “hunting” with the eyes works for some Christian men. We hear these stories, which, in my experience, tend to be from pastors or other men in ministry, about how a godly man set his sight on a woman at church or Christian college that every guy thought was smokin’ hot– although he knew little else about her. The man subsequently asked her out, she said yes, and she also ended up being the most godly woman on the planet. Then they got married, have had a child every 1.5 years for the last ten years, and every day of their marriage is reportedly steamier than the last.
The success in these instances, I believe, probably has more to do with God’s plan for the couple’s life than the approach in pursuing that the man took, and with the underlying vision the man may have had beyond the woman’s appearance. I don’t know what the statistics are, but, from what I’ve observed, people called to full-time ministry tend to get married earlier, and marriage is often seen as a necessity for ministry, which might make these stories in such contexts ripe for the happening (I did do a little digging and found this interesting blog post about pastors and marriage at least that supports my assertion).
But there are a lot of godly men who take that same “hunting” approach, but end up getting burned, and repeatedly at that. For example, a man sees some woman that looks good to him –especially in a “controlled” setting such as church, but the woman rejects him outright, and painfully so, or he finds out things about her in dating that he could have ruled out in friendship.
At some point, the lack of direction in pursuit takes a toll on a godly man, whether by him just getting sick of the whole dating thing and choosing to take a “hiatus,” however long, or in becoming even more desensitized to restraint in approaching women.
The result? A problematic paradigm that contradicts God’s design for the man as the pursuer - and affects godly women. While I talk about the man not taking any old risk, it is still a man’s job to take the right ones.
“FOB” and the Godly Man’s “Loss” Responsibility
There’s actually a concept we come across in the law that I thought about during our discussion of the man’s God-given role as the pursuer that I’ll share (although I think churches tend to get this part right, but don’t take it far enough in discussing what vision a man should have as he pursues). It’s not a legal concept per se, but it is relevant to legal issues involving contracts and accounting. It’s the buyer-seller concept of FOB (sometimes meaning “Free” or “Freight” On Board, or something else, depending on the region of the world and the type of transaction).
Anyway (and I’m getting to the relevant part), in one context, FOB Destination means that when a seller - say, a manufacturer of laptop computers, ships the goods (i.e., the laptops) to a buyer, such as Best Buy, if anything happens to the shipment while it’s in transit, before it is delivered to the buyer– for example, it falls off a ship or truck; gets burned or stolen, the seller is responsible for the cost of any such accident. In contrast, the buyer has no responsibility to pay for any loss (absent a contrary agreement with the seller). Thus, in an “FOB Destination” situation, the seller, not the buyer, bears the “risk of loss” – i.e., the cost of a failed shipment.
Likewise, God has designed it so that the man’s role as a leader of the family gives him that same kind of “FOB Destination” risk as the seller in pursuing a woman before marriage. He should be fully aware that rejection is always his risk to bear as the initiator – and even be prepared that it is likely to happen at least once. Further, there’s only so much of a “signal” a godly woman can give to a man to allay his fears about whether she is interested other than an open attitude (and chances are that if a woman is giving a man some “certainty” that she wants to date him that eliminates all risk in asking, it may not be the right woman to date!). Men of God just have to accept that the risk is their responsibility – and their reward!
Calculated Risk
At the same time, this should make men more discerning about the kind of risks they take in dating. Proverbs 4:23 - which is often used only for women in the relationship context - provides direction for men. It think it’s so good it needs to be stated in several versions that I think all help understand it better:
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV © 1984)
Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. (NKJV)
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (ESV)
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (NLT)
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (NIV © 2011)
When a man opens his heart to just any woman, especially as he often has to do in “hunting,” he can cause himself the kind of heartbreak that makes asking out godly women under the right circumstances a problem that it shouldn’t be. I do believe that even in instances where men don’t move when they could have God can still work in situations – but it makes them stickier than they ever had to be. When a man guards his heart from just any woman, he positions himself in a healthy place to move toward the right kind of woman according to God’s paradigm.
I know some women would disagree, but I think a good principle for a godly man is to hold off dating a woman he is interested in until he can, with good intention and avoidance of confusion to the woman, get to know her true character in friendship. I say it that way because there can be a tendency for a man to keep things undefined until he thinks he can be “absolutely certain” that the woman will date him when asked. In turn, his actions can end up appearing to give the woman mixed signals about his intentions.
But, in many, if not most, instances, before entering an exclusive dating relationship, there will probably never be a clear signal from God for a man that indicates a woman is near absolutely his wife (and there can never be complete certainty until “I Do” – e.g., even if all wedding plans are in place, a tragedy such as death could occur beforehand). I believe the point of the friendship phase is to find out compatibility and character, and to see if there are any characteristics that “rule out” the woman based on a man’s godly vision. A man has to trust that, if he takes this approach, God will direct him.
If a man is seeking God’s direction and can’t rule out the possibility that a relationship with a woman could work out, but has solid reasons for why it could, I believe it becomes the man’s responsibility to take the chance by initiating a dating relationship.
Some relevant questions: A man doesn’t know if a woman will absolutely say yes to him? There’s not supposed to be a guarantee that she will. He’s not positive that he could see himself married to her? A “could marry,” based on a godly vision, may be the most that he can know without taking that step in faith. He doesn’t have all the answers about how much money he thinks he needs to earn to support a family in the event that the relationship does, in fact, lead to marriage? He can hand that fear over to God, and take any practical steps he can to prepare himself for the possibility of marriage. Colossians 1: 17 says, “He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together.” Proverbs 37: 4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” It’s amazing what God does when we recognize His sovereignty and seek him in our desires – including in dating!
Further, if a man approaches a godly woman in a godly way and it does not work out, he will most likely lose far less than in a more random hunt. He may still gain friendship with a sister in Christ – or at least godly insight for the next relationship! And with the right pursuit, the outcome of an unsuccessful relationship will certainly be much healthier than the “missed target” result that can come from just “hunting” based on looks and little else. And where a man is led by the Spirit, he has the ultimate security that God will not disappoint him. That’s yet another risk mitigator!
For The Ladies
How do women fit into the “search” puzzle? I think that in all friendships and dating relationships with men, we have to trust God’s sovereignty as well. As I’ve shared, I tend to believe that, based on scripture, absent some direction from God in a specific situation to the contrary, a woman should not be the one to declare the desire for a relationship (Lately, I heard the story of a missionary couple where the woman told the man I love you after an eight-year I-might-like-you-I might-not friendship and it worked out, but I tend to see those kinds of stories as the exception). I believe that a woman guarding her heart should mean that no matter how much she cares for a man, if he does not move the relationship in a romantic direction, she does not give her heart to him.
If a man never moves a relationship from friendship to romance, it most likely was not God’s will for it to happen. Part of trusting God’s sovereignty is knowing that we can only see what’s in front of us, while God sees all. We may think that some man is so right for us, but God may have someone -- or something – else in mind that we have yet to see.
At the same time, I don’t think it’s wrong for a woman to desire a particular relationship as long as her desire lines up with Scripture, and she gives it to God and follows His direction – including if He gives her a direction for the desire to change. I’ve listened to stories of couples who were in this situation, and God used the wait time to increase both people’s faith – and the man eventually recognized that God was leading him in the same direction that the woman desired. Sometimes we have a timetable for when things should happen, but God may have a certain work in man or woman before the relationship should happen (not that a man and woman become “more deserving” of a marriage by God working in them, but that God may have particular lessons to teach them in preparation for their union).
However, in these instances a woman also has to remain open to other potential husbands that God could bring her way – but she has to be responsive to men purposely as well – not in retaliation to man she may desire to date who has not spoken up, or because she thinks that she has to just “try other people” to see what will stick. As a man should be observing the character of any woman in friendship, so should a woman.
I think in the wait for marriage in any circumstance, it helps to remember that there are far worse fates than not being married by a certain time – i.e., marrying the wrong person (talk about prison)! I think that where a woman guards her heart, she can learn to navigate different situations with men and have the discernment of when to say yes to an opportunity to date a man, and when to say no (as a man should have trust in God’s sovereignty when a woman does, in fact, say no).
Also, ladies, our biggest concern for brothers (and sisters) in Christ should be encouraging them in their walks with God – not our personal desires. Often, male and female relationships get sticky because each is more concerned with his or her own relationship desires than God’s will for the other person. When we think about how we can encourage and spur each other on toward love and good deeds, God takes care of meeting any relationship desires that are in line with His will. Caring about a brother’s spiritual well-being first is how we keep our desires in check, and all relationships with the opposite sex on firm footing!
After writing way more than I anticipated, I am not even interested in ending with a cute conclusion to match my title as I often try to do – my head hurts! I guess the most I’ll say is that I think men and women of God need to have more conversations about how to associate with each other in a godly way. Hebrews 10: 24 tells us to consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. The following verse says that believers should continue to meet together for encouragement. With the state of male and female relationships in our society – and in The Body – men and women need this kind of productive, God-centered counsel from each other. I give my buddies an “A+!”
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Photo Opp
I don’t usually put up photos, but I’m really exited about the one here, which is of me and my little brother. There’s a bit of background that I’ll share…
For months my mom had been wanting to take a family photo (which also includes my dad and two siblings). Well, about February of this year, I got one of those Living Social "Daily Deals" for like 75% off the price of a photo shoot and several prints. Thinking this was a great opportunity to get the desired family portrait, I purchased the deal. The expiration date was a few months after, on June 24.
Naturally, these types of things that take schedule coordination can easily end up unused. We already knew we’d have to wait until at least May, when one of my siblings would be back in town for the summer. Then, some weeks each of us were in and out of town, which further pushed the date back. Before we knew it, June 23 - the only day we were all available to take the photo before the deadline - had arrived.
To meet the 24th deadline, I had spent approximately one week beforehand booking, and rebooking, to meet various schedule conflicts and requests, which took shuffling on all of our parts.
But, alas, only one other family member made it to take the photo, which would be, of course, my self-proclaimed protégé, my little brother (as many folks know, I am always talking about him. It’s in part because he is the only person in my family younger than me, whom I watched grow up and hand in “raising,” if you will, although we are just shy of three years apart. The other, related reasons are the fact that he listens and responds to what I say, values my opinion, and in many ways has a similar sense of humor. He also has just generally grown into a good, God-honoring human being with his own personality – i.e., not just like mine. You can’t help but sing the praises of someone with those characteristics!)
Anyway, others in the fam did make efforts to attend. And, I suppose, a 40% attendance is better than just me, for that matter. And the photos really did come out well (which is why I am sharing one of them)!
Perhaps I should take my little brother’s advice and just wait for my parents to plan a shoot next time. The "silver lining," I suppose, it that the whole family actually liked the picture and has put at least one in “his, or her, respective wallet,” lol. My dad also came to the studio in time to help select the photos, and my mom requested copies for both of her most-used purses. And it will be added to our walls! The contributions, or lack thereof, of any others “shall not be enumerated herein”:).
Relating this post to my blog theme, I’m thankful for God giving me such a great family. There’s a lot of love and forgiveness (As in, the forgiveness I have extended for such a transgression as missing a family photo). As James 1 says, every good and perfect gift comes from above. My fam is no exception!
Until the next opportunity, we will settle for this one...
For months my mom had been wanting to take a family photo (which also includes my dad and two siblings). Well, about February of this year, I got one of those Living Social "Daily Deals" for like 75% off the price of a photo shoot and several prints. Thinking this was a great opportunity to get the desired family portrait, I purchased the deal. The expiration date was a few months after, on June 24.
Naturally, these types of things that take schedule coordination can easily end up unused. We already knew we’d have to wait until at least May, when one of my siblings would be back in town for the summer. Then, some weeks each of us were in and out of town, which further pushed the date back. Before we knew it, June 23 - the only day we were all available to take the photo before the deadline - had arrived.
To meet the 24th deadline, I had spent approximately one week beforehand booking, and rebooking, to meet various schedule conflicts and requests, which took shuffling on all of our parts.
But, alas, only one other family member made it to take the photo, which would be, of course, my self-proclaimed protégé, my little brother (as many folks know, I am always talking about him. It’s in part because he is the only person in my family younger than me, whom I watched grow up and hand in “raising,” if you will, although we are just shy of three years apart. The other, related reasons are the fact that he listens and responds to what I say, values my opinion, and in many ways has a similar sense of humor. He also has just generally grown into a good, God-honoring human being with his own personality – i.e., not just like mine. You can’t help but sing the praises of someone with those characteristics!)
Anyway, others in the fam did make efforts to attend. And, I suppose, a 40% attendance is better than just me, for that matter. And the photos really did come out well (which is why I am sharing one of them)!
Perhaps I should take my little brother’s advice and just wait for my parents to plan a shoot next time. The "silver lining," I suppose, it that the whole family actually liked the picture and has put at least one in “his, or her, respective wallet,” lol. My dad also came to the studio in time to help select the photos, and my mom requested copies for both of her most-used purses. And it will be added to our walls! The contributions, or lack thereof, of any others “shall not be enumerated herein”:).
Relating this post to my blog theme, I’m thankful for God giving me such a great family. There’s a lot of love and forgiveness (As in, the forgiveness I have extended for such a transgression as missing a family photo). As James 1 says, every good and perfect gift comes from above. My fam is no exception!
Until the next opportunity, we will settle for this one...
Desert Song
I do intend to go back to reflecting on my read, but recently I’ve had a few other thoughts on my mind. One of them is about another worship tune called Desert Song. It has such rich meaning, but, like a lot of Contemporary worship songs, it can be hard to miss the meaning if you don’t listen closely. Desert Song has had more impact on me recently as I’ve contemplated the meaning more.
It’s about praising God in trials, “deserts.” It begins, “this is my prayer in the desert, when all that’s within me feels dry.” In the last few months, I've had a lot of discussion within The Body about some of the common trials we face. Unemployment; rejection from college or grad school; waiting to find a husband or wife; waiting to adopt children; having a physical disease; trying to lose weight; dealing with family issues; fights with friends – these are just a sampling of the many challenges that can cause our lives to feel like a vast, dry wasteland.
Yet none of the trials we face should cause us to lose confidence in God. The chorus of Desert Song reminds us: “All of my life, in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing; I have a reason to worship.” A verse of the song also says, “This is my prayer in the battle, when triumph is still on its way. I am conqueror and co-heir with Christ, so firm on His promise I’ll stand.”
Those words are so powerful! We often get depressed in trials because we forget who God is. When we recognize that He is still the Creator, still sovereign – and who we are in Him – it should cause us to exalt Him in all circumstances - and see ourselves lifted far beyond them.
Colossians 1: 15-17 (verse 17, which I often quote), says this about Jesus' dominion over all:
“ The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Romans 8, which talks about us being co-heirs with Christ and is referenced in Desert Song, says that those who have accepted Him do not suffer in vain: 17 “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
And what is that ultimate glory that we’ll experience as heirs? 1 Corinthians 4: 17-18: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Ultimately, all suffering ends with an eternal place in Heaven.
On earth, we fight trials with God’s promises. Praising through challenges – rather than focusing on pain – is why some of us thrive in struggle, and others crumble.
In addition to the ultimate glory that we have in Christ, we can also be thankful for a God who still loves to deliver us from our trials here on earth. In Desert Song, God lifting us out of the storm by removing the trial is referred to as the harvest. Yet the song reminds us that the desert should positvely affect our harvest: “This is my prayer in the harvest, when favor and providence flow. I know I’m filled to be emptied again, the seed I’ve received I will sow.”
It’s very easy in trials for us to think that “If God just removes my struggle, then my life will be wonderful or complete." But we forget that Jesus promises that we’ll face trials throughout life. One part of John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have trouble.” (NIV) But Jesus doesn’t end there. In that verse, he adds, “but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (KJV). We have to recognize that even if our suffering is removed, our lives will not be perfect. In fact, some other struggle will probably rise to take its place. Or sometimes, the "deliverance" is not in God removing the struggle, but giving us the Grace to accept it.
In spring or winter, desert or green pasture, we give God glory for who He is – recognizing that He knows best. Also, as He delivers us from our trials, we take His faithfulness to “the Bank” by using what He's taught us in that struggle to help us the next time we face another one. By praising we also grow in our faith and our witness to the world. Ultimately, our life as Christians is not just about ourselves, but also representing Him with boldness in our world. A trial is nothing more – nothing better – than a chance for God’s glory to be revealed publicly. That’s pretty awesome!
Here are the lyrics to desert song. Even if it may not be your style, you might also want to listen to it – there’s so much power in the words.
Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides
Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow
It’s about praising God in trials, “deserts.” It begins, “this is my prayer in the desert, when all that’s within me feels dry.” In the last few months, I've had a lot of discussion within The Body about some of the common trials we face. Unemployment; rejection from college or grad school; waiting to find a husband or wife; waiting to adopt children; having a physical disease; trying to lose weight; dealing with family issues; fights with friends – these are just a sampling of the many challenges that can cause our lives to feel like a vast, dry wasteland.
Yet none of the trials we face should cause us to lose confidence in God. The chorus of Desert Song reminds us: “All of my life, in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing; I have a reason to worship.” A verse of the song also says, “This is my prayer in the battle, when triumph is still on its way. I am conqueror and co-heir with Christ, so firm on His promise I’ll stand.”
Those words are so powerful! We often get depressed in trials because we forget who God is. When we recognize that He is still the Creator, still sovereign – and who we are in Him – it should cause us to exalt Him in all circumstances - and see ourselves lifted far beyond them.
Colossians 1: 15-17 (verse 17, which I often quote), says this about Jesus' dominion over all:
“ The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Romans 8, which talks about us being co-heirs with Christ and is referenced in Desert Song, says that those who have accepted Him do not suffer in vain: 17 “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
And what is that ultimate glory that we’ll experience as heirs? 1 Corinthians 4: 17-18: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Ultimately, all suffering ends with an eternal place in Heaven.
On earth, we fight trials with God’s promises. Praising through challenges – rather than focusing on pain – is why some of us thrive in struggle, and others crumble.
In addition to the ultimate glory that we have in Christ, we can also be thankful for a God who still loves to deliver us from our trials here on earth. In Desert Song, God lifting us out of the storm by removing the trial is referred to as the harvest. Yet the song reminds us that the desert should positvely affect our harvest: “This is my prayer in the harvest, when favor and providence flow. I know I’m filled to be emptied again, the seed I’ve received I will sow.”
It’s very easy in trials for us to think that “If God just removes my struggle, then my life will be wonderful or complete." But we forget that Jesus promises that we’ll face trials throughout life. One part of John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have trouble.” (NIV) But Jesus doesn’t end there. In that verse, he adds, “but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (KJV). We have to recognize that even if our suffering is removed, our lives will not be perfect. In fact, some other struggle will probably rise to take its place. Or sometimes, the "deliverance" is not in God removing the struggle, but giving us the Grace to accept it.
In spring or winter, desert or green pasture, we give God glory for who He is – recognizing that He knows best. Also, as He delivers us from our trials, we take His faithfulness to “the Bank” by using what He's taught us in that struggle to help us the next time we face another one. By praising we also grow in our faith and our witness to the world. Ultimately, our life as Christians is not just about ourselves, but also representing Him with boldness in our world. A trial is nothing more – nothing better – than a chance for God’s glory to be revealed publicly. That’s pretty awesome!
Here are the lyrics to desert song. Even if it may not be your style, you might also want to listen to it – there’s so much power in the words.
Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides
Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow
Monday, June 13, 2011
I love modern worship music, as I’ve shared before. Over the last few years, it’s really come to resonate with me. We have timeless worship songs in the form of traditional hymns and spirituals, which are wonderful ways to glorify God in song, but I love how contemporary worship is praising God in our own language. I appreciate how these artists translate Scripture into tunes that give God glory just the way we talk to Him today. It’s such a reminder that no era, no tradition, has a monopoly on methods of exalting the Creator with music. All nations, tribes and tongues can sing praises to the King of Kings in their own speak. And one day, believers from all over the world will be in heaven worshipping together as well. How awesome!
There’s one song in particular, Lovely, that I’ve been meditating on – in praise to God, and in thankfulness for the fact that He accepts worship from my heart in my own language. Lovely captures what I feel for God – He’s so amazing, I try to find the words to say about Him, but I can’t do Him justice with even my best ones. He’s just so…marvelous. Here are the lyrics to Lovely (and the music here).
I watch Your wonders fill the sky
Over the mountains reaching high
The same majesty floods my life
I stand in awe
Lovely, there is none more lovely
In all the universe, there is no one lovelier
Worthy, there is none more worthy
I try to find the words, there's so much more Your worthy of
Up on the cross with open arms
The love of God reaches far
The same majesty floods my heart
I stand in awe
As long as I live, I'll praise You
Name above all, be lifted high
All of my days, I worship You
I worship You
Lovely, You are lovely
There is no one, there is no one more worthy
You are worthy
I try to find the words, there is no one lovelier
There’s one song in particular, Lovely, that I’ve been meditating on – in praise to God, and in thankfulness for the fact that He accepts worship from my heart in my own language. Lovely captures what I feel for God – He’s so amazing, I try to find the words to say about Him, but I can’t do Him justice with even my best ones. He’s just so…marvelous. Here are the lyrics to Lovely (and the music here).
I watch Your wonders fill the sky
Over the mountains reaching high
The same majesty floods my life
I stand in awe
Lovely, there is none more lovely
In all the universe, there is no one lovelier
Worthy, there is none more worthy
I try to find the words, there's so much more Your worthy of
Up on the cross with open arms
The love of God reaches far
The same majesty floods my heart
I stand in awe
As long as I live, I'll praise You
Name above all, be lifted high
All of my days, I worship You
I worship You
Lovely, You are lovely
There is no one, there is no one more worthy
You are worthy
I try to find the words, there is no one lovelier
Lies, Sex, Texts and Tweets (Formerly Known as Sex, Lies & Videotape)
Jack Johnson. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Anthony Weiner. Although these are some of the latest politicians at the local, state and national levels whose dastardly deeds have seized news coverage, there will certainly be others. Listening to reports, I was reminded of a few of God’s principles about leaders and the need for us to guard our minds in a sex-saturated planet.
Hearing about scandals involving politicians during the last few weeks, my first reaction, like many, was disgust. More stories about politicians doing stereotypically dishonest “politician” things such as taking kickbacks, sleeping with women not their wives – or cheating in some other way – and then trying to cover it up with lies before admitting to the truth, I thought. How many times do we have to keep hearing about scandals?
Yet as these thoughts came to mind, God also brought Romans 13 to me. Part of the oft-quoted passage on leaders, verses 1-2 & 6-7, reads,
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves….This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”
The lesson I was reminded of from this passage is to generally respect leadership. Leaders, even the unjust and corrupt ones, have been established by God. While it’s not wrong for us to acknowledge their reprehensible behavior, or even to speak out against it, biblically there is still a level of deference that we are called to give all leaders. In several of the recent cases the politicians embroiled in scandal have been– or will be – stripped of their authority and suffer consequences for their actions – as we all do – and God has a hand in their removal as well. But often, we can get caught up in feeling disillusion and disrespect for politicians to the point that we do not hold our leaders with regard as we should. We end up denigrating them rather than showing them honor.
One way that we can show our leaders deference is to pray for them – all of them. As I expressed my disgust, God also brought feelings of empathy – or at least sympathy – for political leaders. Many are in high-powered positions that often expose them to heightened temptations. When they give in, they not only face personal cost – but also affect their constituents. If they can be distracted, the focus can be taken away from the jobs they were placed in office to do. Scripture is clear that those who know Christ and walk in His ways can resist any temptation– even the ones that come with political leadership. But not all leaders have Christ, and many who do choose not to walk in His ways. And even the ones who do follow Him still need encouragement and accountability to stay the course – as we all do. When we pray for our leaders, we ask God to give them wisdom in the positions He’s placed them, regardless of their spiritual conditions. The Romans 13 mandate is not just about the most upright, God-honoring leaders – but all leaders!
Further, prayer for our leaders should not take a partisan bend. As I thought about all of the temptations that leaders face, I thought specifically about our current president. I was reminded of the need to pray for him continually. I also thought of the fact that many Christians I know are happy to pray for him because they voted for him, but there are many other Christians who seem to be incapable of even saying a single positive thing about him. In that moment I didn't think to judge either camp, but was reminded that our Romans 13 calling should not be based on whether the president you voted for is in office. Whether it’s George W. Bush or President Obama – if our next president is a Republican or Democrat – the calling doesn’t change. Despite the fact that it’s in vogue to speak only ill about those whom we disagree with politically, followers of Christ must hold a higher, biblical standard.
Sexting, Etc…
The other side of my rumination on politics was the sex part. The recent indecent sexual acts spotlighted in the media reminded me of the need for Christians to take a stand against the things that God hates, but in love.
A segment on Good Morning America discussing Congressman Weiner’s actions was the latest public issue to get me thinking about standing for sexual integrity. A psychologist was surmising on the “psychological” problems Weiner may be facing that led him to sext and tweet lewd messages. Attempting to characterize his problem, she commented, to the effect of, “If Anthony Weiner had just been looking at porn and then using those images to enhance his monogamous relationship, it would have been okay. The problem is that these messages are out of the context of monogamy…” That wasn’t the first time I’d heard the idea that pornography is okay – even “beneficial” to a “monogamous” relationship – but I will not stop being disgusted by it.
After flipping the channel, I continued to think about the many ways – beyond politics, that God’s paradigm for sex and relationships is distorted in media. It’s hard to turn on the television today without seeing some dramatization, report or interview, like the Good Morning America one, that embodies a model of sex and relationships that clearly contradicts Scripture. We can expect that from our world, but, unfortunately, Christians have bought into it also. I think we’ve come to suffer from “Super Hero” syndrome – we think we can ingest literature, entertainment, conversation, etc. - that contradicts God’s design for sex and expect that it won’t affect our ability to think and live Christ-like –especially in how we approach sex and romantic relationships (i.e., that the only thing that can make us stumble is something like kryptonite). Yet there’s plenty of evidence that it does!
I believe one important way to ensure we are following God’s paradigm of sex rather than the world’s, in the context of the attention surrounding the recent scandal, is by watching the media we fill our minds with. Colossians 3:2 says that we should set our minds on things above. Romans 12:2 says that we avoid being conformed to the pattern of this world by renewing our minds. We renew them by filling them with, as the apostle Paul says in Philippians, excellent, praiseworthy things. While I’m a serious proponent of the belief that The Gospel demands that we be relevant – knowing the signs of the times and engaging our culture – including awareness of what’s in the news, holiness requires that we be set apart- particularly in how we view sex and relationships.
Recently, I’ve really been convicted to pay even closer attention to what I watch on television. With the many ways that our world is trying to normalize sex and relationship paradigms that distort God’s principles, I really believe it’s important for us to avoid adopting – or even condoning -- those same ideas, even subtlety. Often, when we don’t watch what we read or listen to, over time those negative ideas take root in our minds and result in us thinking and acting contrary to God’s commands, especially in the area of relationships. We start to look at issues not from Scripture, but based on what sounds okay to us. Even as we love and engage our world, as we’re called to do, we constantly have to renew our minds in the process.
Our world often tells us that because God is Love, He accepts everything we do, as long as we’re not lying, cheating, stealing or killing. But if we as humans, as simple as we are compared to the Creator – can have standards, the God of the Universe must have them, too! And He’s established the standard for sexual integrity all up and through His Word! Followers of Christ have to uphold it!
I’ve had to part ways with some shows - dramas in particular - on television that I found entertaining - and caught when I could - because of the poor paradigms of sex and relationships they presented. As I tuned into these shows periodically, I kept finding the storylines had become increasingly contradictory to the principles I’m trying to live by through Christ. God reminded me that I gain absolutely nothing from entertainment that rejects His ways – in fact, I lose! These days my TV amusement, aside from news, is pretty much the Food Network – but, borrowing from a popular 90s Christian campaign, and my parents, I’m happy I can say that it would be totally cool for Jesus to come sit on the couch and watch any of my favs with me (especially Diners, Drive Ins and Dives, lol)!
Doing the Word
God calls us to love people, but our first command is to love Him. As we show others God’s goodness, we also have to take a stand for His righteousness. We pray for our leaders, even when they don’t care for their behavior. We also share Christ with others, but guard our minds. That’s how we stay set apart in a world that keeps finding new methods to bring the scandal.
Hearing about scandals involving politicians during the last few weeks, my first reaction, like many, was disgust. More stories about politicians doing stereotypically dishonest “politician” things such as taking kickbacks, sleeping with women not their wives – or cheating in some other way – and then trying to cover it up with lies before admitting to the truth, I thought. How many times do we have to keep hearing about scandals?
Yet as these thoughts came to mind, God also brought Romans 13 to me. Part of the oft-quoted passage on leaders, verses 1-2 & 6-7, reads,
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves….This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”
The lesson I was reminded of from this passage is to generally respect leadership. Leaders, even the unjust and corrupt ones, have been established by God. While it’s not wrong for us to acknowledge their reprehensible behavior, or even to speak out against it, biblically there is still a level of deference that we are called to give all leaders. In several of the recent cases the politicians embroiled in scandal have been– or will be – stripped of their authority and suffer consequences for their actions – as we all do – and God has a hand in their removal as well. But often, we can get caught up in feeling disillusion and disrespect for politicians to the point that we do not hold our leaders with regard as we should. We end up denigrating them rather than showing them honor.
One way that we can show our leaders deference is to pray for them – all of them. As I expressed my disgust, God also brought feelings of empathy – or at least sympathy – for political leaders. Many are in high-powered positions that often expose them to heightened temptations. When they give in, they not only face personal cost – but also affect their constituents. If they can be distracted, the focus can be taken away from the jobs they were placed in office to do. Scripture is clear that those who know Christ and walk in His ways can resist any temptation– even the ones that come with political leadership. But not all leaders have Christ, and many who do choose not to walk in His ways. And even the ones who do follow Him still need encouragement and accountability to stay the course – as we all do. When we pray for our leaders, we ask God to give them wisdom in the positions He’s placed them, regardless of their spiritual conditions. The Romans 13 mandate is not just about the most upright, God-honoring leaders – but all leaders!
Further, prayer for our leaders should not take a partisan bend. As I thought about all of the temptations that leaders face, I thought specifically about our current president. I was reminded of the need to pray for him continually. I also thought of the fact that many Christians I know are happy to pray for him because they voted for him, but there are many other Christians who seem to be incapable of even saying a single positive thing about him. In that moment I didn't think to judge either camp, but was reminded that our Romans 13 calling should not be based on whether the president you voted for is in office. Whether it’s George W. Bush or President Obama – if our next president is a Republican or Democrat – the calling doesn’t change. Despite the fact that it’s in vogue to speak only ill about those whom we disagree with politically, followers of Christ must hold a higher, biblical standard.
Sexting, Etc…
The other side of my rumination on politics was the sex part. The recent indecent sexual acts spotlighted in the media reminded me of the need for Christians to take a stand against the things that God hates, but in love.
A segment on Good Morning America discussing Congressman Weiner’s actions was the latest public issue to get me thinking about standing for sexual integrity. A psychologist was surmising on the “psychological” problems Weiner may be facing that led him to sext and tweet lewd messages. Attempting to characterize his problem, she commented, to the effect of, “If Anthony Weiner had just been looking at porn and then using those images to enhance his monogamous relationship, it would have been okay. The problem is that these messages are out of the context of monogamy…” That wasn’t the first time I’d heard the idea that pornography is okay – even “beneficial” to a “monogamous” relationship – but I will not stop being disgusted by it.
After flipping the channel, I continued to think about the many ways – beyond politics, that God’s paradigm for sex and relationships is distorted in media. It’s hard to turn on the television today without seeing some dramatization, report or interview, like the Good Morning America one, that embodies a model of sex and relationships that clearly contradicts Scripture. We can expect that from our world, but, unfortunately, Christians have bought into it also. I think we’ve come to suffer from “Super Hero” syndrome – we think we can ingest literature, entertainment, conversation, etc. - that contradicts God’s design for sex and expect that it won’t affect our ability to think and live Christ-like –especially in how we approach sex and romantic relationships (i.e., that the only thing that can make us stumble is something like kryptonite). Yet there’s plenty of evidence that it does!
I believe one important way to ensure we are following God’s paradigm of sex rather than the world’s, in the context of the attention surrounding the recent scandal, is by watching the media we fill our minds with. Colossians 3:2 says that we should set our minds on things above. Romans 12:2 says that we avoid being conformed to the pattern of this world by renewing our minds. We renew them by filling them with, as the apostle Paul says in Philippians, excellent, praiseworthy things. While I’m a serious proponent of the belief that The Gospel demands that we be relevant – knowing the signs of the times and engaging our culture – including awareness of what’s in the news, holiness requires that we be set apart- particularly in how we view sex and relationships.
Recently, I’ve really been convicted to pay even closer attention to what I watch on television. With the many ways that our world is trying to normalize sex and relationship paradigms that distort God’s principles, I really believe it’s important for us to avoid adopting – or even condoning -- those same ideas, even subtlety. Often, when we don’t watch what we read or listen to, over time those negative ideas take root in our minds and result in us thinking and acting contrary to God’s commands, especially in the area of relationships. We start to look at issues not from Scripture, but based on what sounds okay to us. Even as we love and engage our world, as we’re called to do, we constantly have to renew our minds in the process.
Our world often tells us that because God is Love, He accepts everything we do, as long as we’re not lying, cheating, stealing or killing. But if we as humans, as simple as we are compared to the Creator – can have standards, the God of the Universe must have them, too! And He’s established the standard for sexual integrity all up and through His Word! Followers of Christ have to uphold it!
I’ve had to part ways with some shows - dramas in particular - on television that I found entertaining - and caught when I could - because of the poor paradigms of sex and relationships they presented. As I tuned into these shows periodically, I kept finding the storylines had become increasingly contradictory to the principles I’m trying to live by through Christ. God reminded me that I gain absolutely nothing from entertainment that rejects His ways – in fact, I lose! These days my TV amusement, aside from news, is pretty much the Food Network – but, borrowing from a popular 90s Christian campaign, and my parents, I’m happy I can say that it would be totally cool for Jesus to come sit on the couch and watch any of my favs with me (especially Diners, Drive Ins and Dives, lol)!
Doing the Word
God calls us to love people, but our first command is to love Him. As we show others God’s goodness, we also have to take a stand for His righteousness. We pray for our leaders, even when they don’t care for their behavior. We also share Christ with others, but guard our minds. That’s how we stay set apart in a world that keeps finding new methods to bring the scandal.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
All 66
Growing up I remember having “Sword Drills” at church and school.
In case you’re unfamiliar, the “drill” began by contestants, myself and classmates, holding our Bibles, or “Swords” (as described in Ephesians 6: 17), in the air. A teacher would state a reference (e.g., “Matthew 6:33”), which all participants had to repeat aloud, in unison. Then the teacher would say “go!” At that moment – not a nanosecond before– Bibles could be lowered. The first person to find the passage and begin reading it aloud was the round winner. We usually had several rounds, and the top few competitors would have their own single elimination competition that the rest of the class watched in suspense. Winners were always handsomely rewarded (think handfuls of candy; choice pickings from a treasure chest of toy prizes or even extra credit toward a final grade in Bible Class). Knowing the Books of the Bible from memory was essential for optimal performance.
Fast Forward…
Even now, when I’m looking up a Bible passage I always feel like I’m in a race (although now against myself) to get to it as fast as possible. The exercise reminds me how important it is to know where each Book of the Bible belongs. But after completing my read through the Bible in a little over three months this week, every Book I recite in my head on the way to finding a passage will mean more than before.
I truly believe that reading through the Bible for the first time is one of the most important completions of my life – and, like Sword Drills growing up, now has a significant piece of the larger story of my lifetime experience with God’s Word. Not only have I learned tremendously throughout the read, it will also revolutionize my personal time in The Word. I am so excited to share, right here, just some of the ways God has used the experience in my life.
God So Loved the World…
One revelation I’ve gained is such a deeper understanding of God’s heart for the whole world. In particular, the lengths that God went to pursue His chosen people, the Israelites, despite their boldfaced rebellion – the times He showed mercy, over, and over, again – make one of the most popular verses (if not the most popular) - John 3:16 – and verse 17 - come alive. As the whole story of Scripture portrays, God’s love is not limited to Israel, but extends to all of humanity.
After reading the Old Testament, I am so thankful to be on this side of Grace. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, I am no longer an enemy of God but am reconciled through faith in Jesus Christ. The Son took all my sin on Himself, and I now have direct access to the Father, and His Spirit lives inside of me. I am totally free to make the best, most godly choices– not out of an obligation to follow the law, but because I know that it is the key to honoring my Maker – who deserves all the honor – and to living the most wonderful, abundant life that only He can give. The Cross is more than just “insurance” for when I don’t follow the law or some commandments, it’s my access to a new, eternal life. I've been refreshed by this reminder!
God Loves Me and You.
The plans God had for Israel also have made me understand the promises that God has for me better. That popular verse, Jeremiah 29:11, says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” My New Testament corollary is 1 Corinthians 2:9, which gives us hope for both this life, and the One to come: “However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”
I really saw God use the read in my life so far beyond what I had imagined. At the start of this year, I spent time committing it to Him, including setting some spiritual goals. As I mentioned about that time, I had a goal to “recharge” my spiritual life by meditating on His Word deeper through Scripture memory. Reading God’s Word more was not near the top of my list– there were other areas of my spiritual health that I thought needed greater improvement – such as fasting and prayer. However, when my church started the “New Thru 30” read of the New Testament in 30 days, I really saw it as God, in His far greater knowledge of what I needed, answering my prayer to get deeper into His Word. I knew I had to embrace the challenge. As God opened my eyes to so many truths in His Word during that read, I also felt Him tugging at my heart to keep reading The Old Testament, and at that pace.
God used the stories in His Word about so many ordinary people like me to show me what He can do through me when I seek Him. He’s renewed my mind – and heart – to grasp the promises in His Word, and reminded me not to grow weary in doing good.
I’ve also seen Him bless the added time in His Word by working on the spiritual goals I set just a few short months ago. For example, in such a short period, I’ve gotten deeper into prayer both personally and corporately than I have in long time. He’s also been using me in different, new ways in ministry just the last couple months. I’m grasping more deeply what it means to abide – rest– in Him. It has truly been a very joyful time – my spirit is so light, and God is opening my eyes to even greater needs around me. If I could sum up where God has been taking me during my read in a few verses, they would be Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 6:33 and Psalm 119:105. The Word is awesome!
Witnessing the entire Story of Redemption, cover to cover (or, in my case, Part 2 to Part 1), has also reminded me that God knows exactly what He is doing – something that we can be prone to forget – especially when He does not do something when we, in our very limited knowledge, think He should. The phrase God spoke to me strongly about during this read is that “ He is not a dummy, He’s not slow, He’s not in a need of an attitude check” – things that most of us would never say to God directly, but things we say to Him indirectly when we don’t trust exactly where He has us in life – and behaviors that we, by contrast, display at some point. Reading through all of Scripture declares God’s glory and fame – and His power to accomplish any and everything He wills for us. And what He says, He does. Being reminded of this truth during my read has renewed my trust in all He does. His ways are never lacking!
The Whole Word.
Another thing I’ve gained is just a greater appreciation for the complete counsel of God’s Word. As one pastor put it, it can be so easy to, intentionally or not, be “salad bar” Scripture readers – pick certain sections, topics or passages in the Bible that resonate with us or “inspire” us most, while overlooking others that may seem boring, irrelevant, or off putting in some other way. Particularly, I think it can be easy to overlook Old Testament Books of Prophecy, or just focus on choice verses from those Books. My read has reminded me that God has so much to teach us in every single book of the Bible.
For example, the lessons available from the entire Book of Jeremiah. I love the ever-popular Jeremiah 29:11 (and am aware that I totally quoted it in this entry already, lol. It really does sum up that book exceptionally well- I know you did that, too- God:)) and verse 13, which is not far behind on the popularity index. However, reading the whole book I learned so much about what Jeremiah had to endure to tell the people of Judah the very unpopular message from God that they needed to repent or face judgment (I will hit some of my favs from this Book when I continue the Old Testament Awards). I don’t believe I had ever read this whole, awesome book before!
Or take the imagery God used in giving the Israelites another message through the prophet Ezekiel. I will never forget a childhood musical about the “dry bones,” but there’s even more symbolism to study in the whole book than a Shakespeare play or a tale by Edgar Allen Poe – and with far more importance and relevance.
I’m also excited to spend more time studying books such as Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi – not just rattle them off in a speed contest to recite the last several books of the Old Testament. God’s Word truly stands forever, and there is more than enough material for us to study for our lifetimes.
Reading the whole Bible has also made me understand more how God’s Word displays His greatness. It’s fascinating to have read how God orchestrated – and preserved – the entire cannon of Scripture – every single book from Genesis to Revelation – over centuries – and how the entire story fits together for our good. Throughout both the Old and the New Testament, there are many stories that are repeated in different books by different authors who were all moved by the Holy Spirit. Before my read I noted this more easily in The Gospels – but I am much more aware of the repetition throughout Scripture. As one pastor put it, it’s not because God had amnesia – but because He wanted to remind us humans – the folks who do have a problem with forgetfulness – of principles from these stories that we need to apply in order to live righteous. I was reminded of the purpose of God's Word described so well (at God's direction, of course:)) in Romans 15:4:
4For (A)whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (NIV)
4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. (NKJV)
For(A) whatever was written in former days was written for our(B) instruction, that through endurance and through(C) the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (ESV)
4 Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. (NLT)
Praise God that every repetition in His Word is for our guidance – to which we must pay attention!
Since starting my read I’ve been on a mission to share my testimony from it. As the pastor of Elevation Church, whose team created the “New Thru 30” program, said in his sermon series by the same name (a series I think is PHE-nomenal), reading through the Word at a challenging pace has been like a rigorous spiritual “fitness” plan or boot camp (like an “Insanity” or “P90X’ workout for your Life in Christ:)). As with those intense, short-term physical exercise programs, it’s designed for all spiritual levels – from people who need to tone existing spiritual muscles to those who need to shed serious pounds of spiritual fat – and everyone somewhere in between. Until we die, we can always improve our spiritual fitness level!
A question I’ve gotten while sharing my experience is whether I was actually able to absorb the average of 10-14 chapters of Scripture a day that are required for a short-term read through the Bible, and if in depth study of Scripture over a longer period is a better route. As this and other entries indicate, my answer is there’s a place for both kinds of reading – and I believe in doing both. As I’ve already shared, the purpose of a short-term read through the Bible is not to understand every single word and root word in Scripture – it’s to grasp the bigger picture of God’s plan for humanity – including your own life – in a way that you do not necessarily get from just reading – even dissecting – a few verses a day. And, also as I discussed, God divinely organized Scripture to repeat key lessons. Whenever you don’t get a story the first time you see it in a short-term read through the Bible, you might see it again – and again – or a similar principle – and get it the next time.
Moreover, because God’s Word is living - active, it's a good reminder that we can learn new things from reading the same passage many different times – we may do a really in depth study of a passage one time and learn something from it, but then have God teach us something completely different another time. And even if you revisit lessons you have already learned, it’s another chance to inventory whether you’re applying it. Reading His Word in different ways is an avenue for God to add another dimension to your understanding of Scripture – and increase your faith in the process!
On the other hand, the read is also good way to flag areas of Scripture that you’ve been neglecting for further study later. As I said, my read showed me that I need to spend far more time reading the Books of Prophecy. Another book on my study list is Proverbs. Also, as you read you can take notes about anything that really strikes you for further meditation (for me it’s how I came up with the notes to compile the “OldT” Awards that I’ll be continuing). We never run out of growth material from God’s Word!
Just Do It!
Further, if you’re worried about having time to read daily, you’ll also be reminded of another lesson: you can make time for anything you really want to do. For most days, you’ll need no more than one hour to complete the reading. Think of the amount of social networking, texting, personal e-mailing or phone calling, leisure reading, or television watching that you might do in a day – which probably amounts to at least one hour, probably more. Just transfer that time to Bible reading –perhaps 20 minutes in the morning, 20 during the day and 20 at the end of the day. You can make it happen!
Of course, this isn’t to say that you won’t ever get behind every now and then – but if you make a firm commitment never to lag more than a day or two, you will always catch up! The read is also an exercise in making a commitment and sticking to it – which we’re called to do in everything we say we'll do!
A short-term read of the whole Bible also challenges your perception of what you think “a lot” of daily Bible reading is, and makes it easier to make spending more time in God’s Word a permanent change. I can attest: after reading more than 10 chapters a day for a few months, I now have no problem with reading the three or so chapters of the Bible daily that I would need to complete a year-long read through the Bible. I couldn’t have said that three months ago!
If you’re considering the read and need a plan, here are some motivational links! As I’ve mentioned before, YouVersion.com has short and long term reading plans (including the “New Thru 30” and “Bible in 90 days” Plans). You can also modify any plan to your liking (e.g., do a 90-day plan in 120 days. Personally, I modified my Old Testament read by about 10 days). It’s Your Version! Additionally, plans are mobile device compatible (iPhone, iPad, BB, Android, Palm, Mobile Web – and more)!
I also recommend checking out the “New Thru 30” messages from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church. They’re available here (“New Thru 30”, 1/8/10 – 1/29/10; Currently Nos. 72-68; No. 69 a guest) (on another note, I also really like some messages in their current series, “Mr. & Mrs. Betterhalf” – I think they’re worth checking out too!). You can also download from iTunes on your iPhone– Podcasts> Elevation Church, Charlotte North Carolina>[Download the messages]. They reminded me that God’s Word is the true source of wisdom – not age, life experience or anything else the world says!
After this incredible spiritual workout, I feel the burn – I’m like, totally stuffed, yet trim, with revelation! It’s been so incredible that reading through the Bible will now become part of my spiritual fitness regimen – a “lifestyle” change, if you will. This next go round I’m going to slow my roll a bit and focus more on meditation with a longer program. But whenever I start to loosen up – or perhaps at the beginning of each year – I’ll go back to the more rigorous training schedule. I am excited to see what God has for me next! I’ll also keep reflecting on my completed read on this blog with the “OldT” Awards.
All 66
The promises of God – found in His Word – are what believers in Christ have to live by that no one else does. When we don’t know – and meditate – on God’s promises, our faith is on shaky ground. If we do not know the promises of God and live by them, we cannot expect to do “supernatural” things such as resist temptation; think or live different from the rest of the world; be joyful in all circumstances, rather than beaten by the trials of life; love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength – live full, abundant lives that honor Him.
Living – standing – on and by His promises - is what leads us to live our calling. If we truly want to follow Him every day, we have no option but to know His Word. It is truly alive, working and able to change even the worst issues in our hearts. And He wants to use all 66 books of it in the process.
In case you’re unfamiliar, the “drill” began by contestants, myself and classmates, holding our Bibles, or “Swords” (as described in Ephesians 6: 17), in the air. A teacher would state a reference (e.g., “Matthew 6:33”), which all participants had to repeat aloud, in unison. Then the teacher would say “go!” At that moment – not a nanosecond before– Bibles could be lowered. The first person to find the passage and begin reading it aloud was the round winner. We usually had several rounds, and the top few competitors would have their own single elimination competition that the rest of the class watched in suspense. Winners were always handsomely rewarded (think handfuls of candy; choice pickings from a treasure chest of toy prizes or even extra credit toward a final grade in Bible Class). Knowing the Books of the Bible from memory was essential for optimal performance.
Fast Forward…
Even now, when I’m looking up a Bible passage I always feel like I’m in a race (although now against myself) to get to it as fast as possible. The exercise reminds me how important it is to know where each Book of the Bible belongs. But after completing my read through the Bible in a little over three months this week, every Book I recite in my head on the way to finding a passage will mean more than before.
I truly believe that reading through the Bible for the first time is one of the most important completions of my life – and, like Sword Drills growing up, now has a significant piece of the larger story of my lifetime experience with God’s Word. Not only have I learned tremendously throughout the read, it will also revolutionize my personal time in The Word. I am so excited to share, right here, just some of the ways God has used the experience in my life.
God So Loved the World…
One revelation I’ve gained is such a deeper understanding of God’s heart for the whole world. In particular, the lengths that God went to pursue His chosen people, the Israelites, despite their boldfaced rebellion – the times He showed mercy, over, and over, again – make one of the most popular verses (if not the most popular) - John 3:16 – and verse 17 - come alive. As the whole story of Scripture portrays, God’s love is not limited to Israel, but extends to all of humanity.
After reading the Old Testament, I am so thankful to be on this side of Grace. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, I am no longer an enemy of God but am reconciled through faith in Jesus Christ. The Son took all my sin on Himself, and I now have direct access to the Father, and His Spirit lives inside of me. I am totally free to make the best, most godly choices– not out of an obligation to follow the law, but because I know that it is the key to honoring my Maker – who deserves all the honor – and to living the most wonderful, abundant life that only He can give. The Cross is more than just “insurance” for when I don’t follow the law or some commandments, it’s my access to a new, eternal life. I've been refreshed by this reminder!
God Loves Me and You.
The plans God had for Israel also have made me understand the promises that God has for me better. That popular verse, Jeremiah 29:11, says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” My New Testament corollary is 1 Corinthians 2:9, which gives us hope for both this life, and the One to come: “However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”
I really saw God use the read in my life so far beyond what I had imagined. At the start of this year, I spent time committing it to Him, including setting some spiritual goals. As I mentioned about that time, I had a goal to “recharge” my spiritual life by meditating on His Word deeper through Scripture memory. Reading God’s Word more was not near the top of my list– there were other areas of my spiritual health that I thought needed greater improvement – such as fasting and prayer. However, when my church started the “New Thru 30” read of the New Testament in 30 days, I really saw it as God, in His far greater knowledge of what I needed, answering my prayer to get deeper into His Word. I knew I had to embrace the challenge. As God opened my eyes to so many truths in His Word during that read, I also felt Him tugging at my heart to keep reading The Old Testament, and at that pace.
God used the stories in His Word about so many ordinary people like me to show me what He can do through me when I seek Him. He’s renewed my mind – and heart – to grasp the promises in His Word, and reminded me not to grow weary in doing good.
I’ve also seen Him bless the added time in His Word by working on the spiritual goals I set just a few short months ago. For example, in such a short period, I’ve gotten deeper into prayer both personally and corporately than I have in long time. He’s also been using me in different, new ways in ministry just the last couple months. I’m grasping more deeply what it means to abide – rest– in Him. It has truly been a very joyful time – my spirit is so light, and God is opening my eyes to even greater needs around me. If I could sum up where God has been taking me during my read in a few verses, they would be Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 6:33 and Psalm 119:105. The Word is awesome!
Witnessing the entire Story of Redemption, cover to cover (or, in my case, Part 2 to Part 1), has also reminded me that God knows exactly what He is doing – something that we can be prone to forget – especially when He does not do something when we, in our very limited knowledge, think He should. The phrase God spoke to me strongly about during this read is that “ He is not a dummy, He’s not slow, He’s not in a need of an attitude check” – things that most of us would never say to God directly, but things we say to Him indirectly when we don’t trust exactly where He has us in life – and behaviors that we, by contrast, display at some point. Reading through all of Scripture declares God’s glory and fame – and His power to accomplish any and everything He wills for us. And what He says, He does. Being reminded of this truth during my read has renewed my trust in all He does. His ways are never lacking!
The Whole Word.
Another thing I’ve gained is just a greater appreciation for the complete counsel of God’s Word. As one pastor put it, it can be so easy to, intentionally or not, be “salad bar” Scripture readers – pick certain sections, topics or passages in the Bible that resonate with us or “inspire” us most, while overlooking others that may seem boring, irrelevant, or off putting in some other way. Particularly, I think it can be easy to overlook Old Testament Books of Prophecy, or just focus on choice verses from those Books. My read has reminded me that God has so much to teach us in every single book of the Bible.
For example, the lessons available from the entire Book of Jeremiah. I love the ever-popular Jeremiah 29:11 (and am aware that I totally quoted it in this entry already, lol. It really does sum up that book exceptionally well- I know you did that, too- God:)) and verse 13, which is not far behind on the popularity index. However, reading the whole book I learned so much about what Jeremiah had to endure to tell the people of Judah the very unpopular message from God that they needed to repent or face judgment (I will hit some of my favs from this Book when I continue the Old Testament Awards). I don’t believe I had ever read this whole, awesome book before!
Or take the imagery God used in giving the Israelites another message through the prophet Ezekiel. I will never forget a childhood musical about the “dry bones,” but there’s even more symbolism to study in the whole book than a Shakespeare play or a tale by Edgar Allen Poe – and with far more importance and relevance.
I’m also excited to spend more time studying books such as Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi – not just rattle them off in a speed contest to recite the last several books of the Old Testament. God’s Word truly stands forever, and there is more than enough material for us to study for our lifetimes.
Reading the whole Bible has also made me understand more how God’s Word displays His greatness. It’s fascinating to have read how God orchestrated – and preserved – the entire cannon of Scripture – every single book from Genesis to Revelation – over centuries – and how the entire story fits together for our good. Throughout both the Old and the New Testament, there are many stories that are repeated in different books by different authors who were all moved by the Holy Spirit. Before my read I noted this more easily in The Gospels – but I am much more aware of the repetition throughout Scripture. As one pastor put it, it’s not because God had amnesia – but because He wanted to remind us humans – the folks who do have a problem with forgetfulness – of principles from these stories that we need to apply in order to live righteous. I was reminded of the purpose of God's Word described so well (at God's direction, of course:)) in Romans 15:4:
4For (A)whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (NIV)
4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. (NKJV)
For(A) whatever was written in former days was written for our(B) instruction, that through endurance and through(C) the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (ESV)
4 Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. (NLT)
Praise God that every repetition in His Word is for our guidance – to which we must pay attention!
Since starting my read I’ve been on a mission to share my testimony from it. As the pastor of Elevation Church, whose team created the “New Thru 30” program, said in his sermon series by the same name (a series I think is PHE-nomenal), reading through the Word at a challenging pace has been like a rigorous spiritual “fitness” plan or boot camp (like an “Insanity” or “P90X’ workout for your Life in Christ:)). As with those intense, short-term physical exercise programs, it’s designed for all spiritual levels – from people who need to tone existing spiritual muscles to those who need to shed serious pounds of spiritual fat – and everyone somewhere in between. Until we die, we can always improve our spiritual fitness level!
A question I’ve gotten while sharing my experience is whether I was actually able to absorb the average of 10-14 chapters of Scripture a day that are required for a short-term read through the Bible, and if in depth study of Scripture over a longer period is a better route. As this and other entries indicate, my answer is there’s a place for both kinds of reading – and I believe in doing both. As I’ve already shared, the purpose of a short-term read through the Bible is not to understand every single word and root word in Scripture – it’s to grasp the bigger picture of God’s plan for humanity – including your own life – in a way that you do not necessarily get from just reading – even dissecting – a few verses a day. And, also as I discussed, God divinely organized Scripture to repeat key lessons. Whenever you don’t get a story the first time you see it in a short-term read through the Bible, you might see it again – and again – or a similar principle – and get it the next time.
Moreover, because God’s Word is living - active, it's a good reminder that we can learn new things from reading the same passage many different times – we may do a really in depth study of a passage one time and learn something from it, but then have God teach us something completely different another time. And even if you revisit lessons you have already learned, it’s another chance to inventory whether you’re applying it. Reading His Word in different ways is an avenue for God to add another dimension to your understanding of Scripture – and increase your faith in the process!
On the other hand, the read is also good way to flag areas of Scripture that you’ve been neglecting for further study later. As I said, my read showed me that I need to spend far more time reading the Books of Prophecy. Another book on my study list is Proverbs. Also, as you read you can take notes about anything that really strikes you for further meditation (for me it’s how I came up with the notes to compile the “OldT” Awards that I’ll be continuing). We never run out of growth material from God’s Word!
Just Do It!
Further, if you’re worried about having time to read daily, you’ll also be reminded of another lesson: you can make time for anything you really want to do. For most days, you’ll need no more than one hour to complete the reading. Think of the amount of social networking, texting, personal e-mailing or phone calling, leisure reading, or television watching that you might do in a day – which probably amounts to at least one hour, probably more. Just transfer that time to Bible reading –perhaps 20 minutes in the morning, 20 during the day and 20 at the end of the day. You can make it happen!
Of course, this isn’t to say that you won’t ever get behind every now and then – but if you make a firm commitment never to lag more than a day or two, you will always catch up! The read is also an exercise in making a commitment and sticking to it – which we’re called to do in everything we say we'll do!
A short-term read of the whole Bible also challenges your perception of what you think “a lot” of daily Bible reading is, and makes it easier to make spending more time in God’s Word a permanent change. I can attest: after reading more than 10 chapters a day for a few months, I now have no problem with reading the three or so chapters of the Bible daily that I would need to complete a year-long read through the Bible. I couldn’t have said that three months ago!
If you’re considering the read and need a plan, here are some motivational links! As I’ve mentioned before, YouVersion.com has short and long term reading plans (including the “New Thru 30” and “Bible in 90 days” Plans). You can also modify any plan to your liking (e.g., do a 90-day plan in 120 days. Personally, I modified my Old Testament read by about 10 days). It’s Your Version! Additionally, plans are mobile device compatible (iPhone, iPad, BB, Android, Palm, Mobile Web – and more)!
I also recommend checking out the “New Thru 30” messages from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church. They’re available here (“New Thru 30”, 1/8/10 – 1/29/10; Currently Nos. 72-68; No. 69 a guest) (on another note, I also really like some messages in their current series, “Mr. & Mrs. Betterhalf” – I think they’re worth checking out too!). You can also download from iTunes on your iPhone– Podcasts> Elevation Church, Charlotte North Carolina>[Download the messages]. They reminded me that God’s Word is the true source of wisdom – not age, life experience or anything else the world says!
After this incredible spiritual workout, I feel the burn – I’m like, totally stuffed, yet trim, with revelation! It’s been so incredible that reading through the Bible will now become part of my spiritual fitness regimen – a “lifestyle” change, if you will. This next go round I’m going to slow my roll a bit and focus more on meditation with a longer program. But whenever I start to loosen up – or perhaps at the beginning of each year – I’ll go back to the more rigorous training schedule. I am excited to see what God has for me next! I’ll also keep reflecting on my completed read on this blog with the “OldT” Awards.
All 66
The promises of God – found in His Word – are what believers in Christ have to live by that no one else does. When we don’t know – and meditate – on God’s promises, our faith is on shaky ground. If we do not know the promises of God and live by them, we cannot expect to do “supernatural” things such as resist temptation; think or live different from the rest of the world; be joyful in all circumstances, rather than beaten by the trials of life; love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength – live full, abundant lives that honor Him.
Living – standing – on and by His promises - is what leads us to live our calling. If we truly want to follow Him every day, we have no option but to know His Word. It is truly alive, working and able to change even the worst issues in our hearts. And He wants to use all 66 books of it in the process.
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