Sunday, May 14, 2006

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my blog. It really is odd this is my first; I studied blogs in college before they became so popular. Also, I’m known for always having something to say. I guess I’m kind of turned off by the idea of people being able to read what I’m thinking so readily; I’d rather just write in my private journal. But there are some thoughts that I’m okay with the world having access to—I do plan to write a non-fiction book about my thoughts on a topic I really care about, after all. In this blog I’ll probably write about the news media, my summer internship, law school impressions, food, working out (which is more of an aspiration than a reality at this point, but this summer I want muscles of Maddona-like proportions—I’m like, 35 percent there:)), God, family, friends..Anyway, here it is. I’m not going to go out of my way to publicize it, but if you actually might care what I have to say, drop by once in a while…

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